
I feel like Kinect is gonna BSOD/RROD all over the place.

I want to go to Walmart on the 23rd and laugh at people buying 3gs's. Is that wrong?

I would totally get one of these bad boys if it were Linux friendly.

Perfect for hiding drugs, or multiplying them. (Relative to the realness of this tables infiniteness)

Great now I can tweet about how much I hate Starbucks, in Starbucks. I am totally hiding a torrent server in the ceiling at the Starbucks down the street from me.

"Goatse Security" discovered a "Gaping Hole" in the iPad software....

Whats the CADR rating?

Thats some seriously blue pew pew.

This image helps give some perspective. Also it will come in white (apparently). Either way, I am buying one.

@Misfit7707: Its clearly to reduce the overall weight of the device.

Where have I heard this plan before?

@Platypus Man: Think crash test dummy. Its used in place of something more "real".

Unfortunately UDP sucks. Connection oriented is the way to go.

Everything wegmans brand is always top notch. They have loose tea tht rivals anything you can get at teavanna for much less $$$

I prefer usenet for movies and tv. I only use torrents for music and programs and for that i have a [] account. Im not a fan of public trackers.

Oh snaps all I brought with me was a grenade launcher....

I would just set up an ssl encrypted ssh session to an unmonitored location and do all of my internet shenanigans elsewhere.

@LVP: I would just put the base inside a wall and hang it

What about screen resolution, physical dimensions, and weight?

@John Herman: actually to enable tethering on the palm pre you must root it and enable homebrew.