Cabbage Patch Mather

This comes off as victim blaming disguised as nuance. So we’re entirely clear, the creation of Israel does not justify what has been the expulsion, deprivation, and murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews throughout the Arab world who were both uninvolved.

This! When we band together it’s an amazing place. I’m constantly thinking of the Snow Queen (actual story) and about how much we let outside influences completely shape our natueal human instincts.

man, sometimes you forget how awesome america is when it’s working!

Why do you feel like acknowledging someone else’s oppression minimizes your own pain or oppression?

Omg, you can not be this obtuse?!

Read the rest of this thread for proof.

And many of these messages come from the left.

An important distinction. Well, I guess he’ll have to wait until her reality relationship inevitably goes kaput (the failure rate is really high, no?).

Um, maybe he should just apply to be on her season?


No one is denying the oppression of black people, you racist, anti-Semitic moron. I am saying that Jewish people have had a network of conspiracies built around them for THOUSANDS of years unlike any other known group.

It’s not a competition but coming into a post about hate crimes against one group to say that another group has it worse will surely win some kind of an award

Only you would go into a post about the desecration of a Jewish cemetery and constant death threats to the Jewish community and scream, “WE ARE MORE OPPRESSED! HOW DARE YOU BE RACIST!”

Careful, your anti-Semitism is showing. Don’t worry. You can cover that up with a white hood.

You want a gold star for your oppression contest? Fine. Take it. I am sure Jewish people would be more than happy not have that yellow star pinned to their chest.

That’s because vs the 90's say - the American Left has largely abandoned it’s support of the Jewish people.

man...get with the program!!!

I think you might be confusing “conspiracy” and “conspiracy theory”. Yes, people conspire against black people. But what we’re talking about here are the conspiracy theories anti-semites make up about the jewish people. Wikipedia has a list of 30 with two additional categories with two subcategories with about 100

I am going to quote Adam Gopnik at length, here, because I think the situation merits it.

Same here.