Cabbage Patch Mather

Current or past gang membership is a high priority factor for ICE and a disqualifier for DACA. Police keep lists of suspected gang members and it’s possible to be on one without ever being convicted of anything - and it can be really hard to even know if you’re on one of the lists.

So you’re saying that people are incapable of change and all manners of protest and dialogue are completely futile?

Yes, of course. This is exactly like The Producers.

How is this funny? Saying an anti-semitic comment without any context isn’t funny. It just means he’s an asshole. The fact that you find it hilarious is very telling of your opinions towards Jews.

When you’ve won Stormfront’s support you done fucked up.

I’m ignorant on this, don’t watch his channel and this is the first story about this I’ve read, but let me understand.

He was only preaching anti-Semitism *ironically* over and over and over and...

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

This should be the top comment. Because it is the most true.

Neo-Nazis in the White House. But hey, at least they’re pro-Israel!

A conspiracy theory involving the Jews? You guys have more in common with the Alt-Right than you realized!

Yep. I’ve never seen anyone criticize “Zionists” without being at least 15 minutes away from dropping a “you know who REALLY controls the media.”

As with most longstanding conflicts the solution boils down to both sides needing to just let all the past stuff go and come to the table with only the current situation and the future in mind.

Especially since some leftists (even Jews) thought they could differentiate between “Jews” and “conservative government of Israel” by using “Zionists” as the buzzword without realizing A) the parties that have “Zionist” in their name in Israel are generally the moderates or even liberals, you want the Likud Party, B)

It is the SJW way...

Yes turns out that the stupid reply I got was the latest incarnation of the Gawker TomatoTroll so I removed it.

FYI, It seems certain posts in your thread are being weeded out. if that’s your doing, no problem. Just thought I’d let you know.

This is why I don’t truck with BDS anymore. There are legitimate criticisms of Israel: but so much of the BDS and Palestinian Solidarity movement is tied up in crazy conspiracy theories and legitimate anti-semitism. It’s like the Republican Party: most don’t behave or believe like Donald Trump, but Trump still is the

I think that’s because one of the real complexities of this issue is that there is some anti-semitism tied up in the anti-Israel movement. The problem with that, other than anti-semitism generally being bad, is that whatever percentage of it you want to peg it at does tend to delegitimize the valid points contained