SuckMyLeft1...part 2. (It’s a Bikini Kill song btw)

Wait, how old is Ted Cruz, are him and Alyssa in the same age range? Wasn’t she a teen on the show? Or am I being played rn?

I mean Natalie seems like she’s grown up unlike Caroline but she’s not completely blameless, overall I’d say Caroline was the shitty friend who had no idea how shitty she was. You shouldn’t put all your eggs in an instagram influencer’s basket.

She’s beyond honest, HTMYL is already aclassic (to me at least).

This might sound like a bit much but I think Cat has a real gift, her book was amazing and I think she’s doing an audio book now, I have to check her Twitter, she’s a bit messy sometimes and changes her mind a lot. 

Good thing I read comments above, I was also about to ask if he had any mental illnesses. My friend is a compulsive liar but her lies never really affected me when we were teens, then we got older and she had a couple kids and claimed the father of the children was hitting her, I automatically believed her but I also

I could only imagine what that’s like and I hope you’re doing better now. I was just saying if he’s a compulsive liar and possibly had cancer, I could see why it would be a sucky situation, no one wants to openly accuse that person of lying about something like that, but if they are lying about something like that..

Have you tried contacting her on social media? Never been to college but I’ve seen friends go through similar stuff (involving college besties), unfortunately it was mostly boy stuff. Maybe your friend was really sad about leaving college or maybe something traumatic happened and she wanted to leave it all behind.

I sort of get Cat Marnell vibes from her writing but Cat would never pull some scammer workshop shit, I gotta check out that r29 article now.

I read the article and yeah Caroline wasn’t the best of friends but it also seems like she blames her for things that weren’t necessarily her fault. I could kinda see how it was toxic on both sides. 

I think Natalie is a good writer, but it kinda seems like it was a toxic friendship all around. 

I realize I misread your comment, he said he had cancer, I read it as has, sorry about that.

It was a good movie though, I enjoyed it for very different reasons than the jerk off guy.

This is tricky, it’s definitely possible he’s lying about the cancer, it’s also possible that’s he’s a compulsive liar who has cancer, which makes this a sucky situation. I’d offer to help him with his doctor visits and see how he responds (also tricky bc he might have a partner or family member he does that with).

Yeah I think she’s being honest about not going under the knife (and if she did maybe she doesn’t feel it’s something she wants to share with the public), your thoughts on this are on point, the Botox mixed with the ungroomed brows caused a strange effect. Whatever she’s doing now is working for her, sometimes you

I will say Megan was right that the mac and cheese would have been better with sausage, even if it was turkey sausage.

I will always associate tomatoes with trolls bc of this very site (well Gawker really). 

I should have stated I live in the USA, def used in a different way over here. I think I was watching “Luther” (I could be wrong, maybe another BBC show) and noticed that, I think I’m going to start using it that way from now on lol. 

This person has a history on gawker etc, they’re just a scumbag commenter. They exist and maybe are worse than actual trolls.

Does all this negate the fact that she was raped? 
