This is the world we live in now where we need safety guidelines to practice our alleged rights & freedoms.
MABA: Make America Bane Again
Two months ago, Mrs. Zoethebitch said to me, “Maybe you should tone down all those political posts on facebook. You’re doing five or ten a day.” Then Herr Cheetolini got elected. At this moment she’s on her way to DC for Saturday’s march. Not so apolitical anymore. She brought champagne for destressing in the hotel…
I wish there were Jezebel commenter pins we could wear
So we’re supposed to show blind respect for the office of the president and PEEOTUS, but they can publicly call it a worse job than reality tv star? I can’t handle these idiots anymore.
Temperatures for Obama’s inauguration were very low too, but he still pulled the giant crowds. Trump’s got a pretty blissful January day and yet where are his MAGA crowds?
I went in 2009. I’ve never seen anything like that before. That many people, starting that early in the morning, singing call and responding with “yes we can” and “yes we did.” I saw much of DC that day (accidentally got barricaded in SE after walking from SW hotel and had to go up and around capital to get back to…
“You should be happy your rapist settled for you. Nobody else wants you.”
Oh, fuck this bitch. I’m sure I will never see her in person, and that is absolutely for the best. I would punch her.
Kelly Anne Conway thought it was a good idea to leave the house this morning dressed like a nutcracker, why the fuck would I take any of her advice?
I’m not on twitter and I don’t have the technical know-how, but if I did I’d follow and set up a bot that responds with the ‘why the fuck you lying’ picture every time he tweets.
Indeed. Ivanka is clearly the First Lady; we can leave Melania alone.
I’m wrestling with the same thing. Basically every day I have to tell myself, “Drinking won’t help. Drinking won’t help”. Fortunately the fuck-its aren’t here. Yet.
Welcome, to the anti-inauguration concert! Comin’ atcha live from the comment section of Jezebel. It’s time to make america great again, and what better way to start than with a series of great songs by great artists. Lets have a hand for our opening act! Here’s Tool with - Sober.
I just want
Anybody else
And when I think about you
I punch myself
Jesus God.
I am scared, but also somewhat positive. This is coinciding with a lot of deep shit going on in my personal life as well, so I feel like everything is in a downward spiral. But I’ve got a plan, and I am hopeful and I and we all can get through this if we keep our heads up and be strong and don’t let ourselves be…
Exactly. I divorced a man that I found out had been going on Craigslist having sex with strangers—both men and women—for our entire marriage. I had no idea at all. Not even an inkling. I definitely didn’t know he was bisexual, and I didn’t know he was cheating on me. I told someone about it once and they refused to…