SuckMyLeft1(it's a Bikini Kill song btw)

I was at Penn at the same time as Melker. Donnie was indeed a sad sack of a human being who peed everywhere and assaulted everyone. He belonged to the most rape-y of rape-y fraternities and comfortably communicated with his asshat brothers in the misogynist language of his father and...he just sucked. He really did

I’m from the same town as the writer of Wide Open Spaces in Texas, and in 2004 I went to the same bluegrass and audio engineering college as Natalie Maines went to. When I showed up, I was STOKED I was going to the same school as her, but everyone was trying to erase that she went there.

I know. There was that Bush/Iraq mantra that criticizing the president was “un-American.” Hello, where is that mantra today? People are really stupid.

Honestly, I’ve thought about it a lot the past 8 years, since all the Dixie Chicks said was that they were ashamed of GWB and were crucified by the same people who call Obama a monkey muslim traitor.

Beyonce got me to watch the cmas for the first time in decades. Her song epitomized the best of country music - personal story, unique vocal style, new twist on old sound. First time I heard it. Loved it! Please let her take Jolene and turn it into a banging dance track.

Cause the that up there is the truth of country music and the South. You don’t have either without both black folks and white folks. Bout damn time.

I don’t really listen to country music. Haven’t heard most of their catalog. All my knowledge of their catalog came from my roommate in college, who I lost touch with. But I respected the way they handled themselves through all of that, and thought their “not ready to make nice,” video was bold, brave, and powerful.

ha ha ha. that’s funny. i like it.

I’d like to suggest an alternative - make waffles and pancakes of similar size at the same time.

Lots of celebrities are kinda speaking out, like Katy Perry and James Franco. I’m a bit younger so I follow bands like Panic! at the Disco pretty closely and lead singer Brendon Urie made a video endorsing Hillary with their song Miss Jackson after Trump called her a nasty woman. I was beaming while watching!

I love the idea of doing all sous vide sides to go with a turkey dinner - mashed potatoes, stuffing, veggies, etc... :)

I’d love to see the chefsteps creme brulee. I’m hoping to make them to add to the pile of dessert for thanksgiving. But I also want to vote for trying a bunch of thanksgiving sides all at once! I think it would be great if we could set up a thanksgiving meal where the sides all get tossed in a sous vide and we can

Flourless chocolate cake?

Is it possible to sous vide a chocolate molten lava cake? I would assume so but I don’t know much about cooking a lava cake.

I’m still hoping for chocolate chip cookie dough in a sous vide, safely edible but not cooked through like when baked. I’m thinking along the lines of cookie dough ice cream, or eating cookie dough right out of the bowl... though there are safety issues of eating raw flour and eggs, is why sous vide sounds like the

Here’s a weird one... Potatoes. I feel like this could be very similar to eggs, where there could be alot of different outcomes for temp and duration.

Found this on the Anova site:

The only real advantage is that you can control the temp exactly, making sure your meat turns out exactly how you want it. I’m not sure what temp “low” is on the slow cooker.

Or you could heat up a couple cans of Hormel Chili, grab a six-pack of Budweiser and chow down.