SuckMyLeft1(it's a Bikini Kill song btw)

but maybe she’s looking at Rachel Weisz and observing how she rebounded as a result of some Aronofskyizing?

It’s because you don’t wanna miss a thaaang.

Yes, no question this was my favorite Jezebel post this year. I cried, and I’m a man. I’m so grateful for Madeleine’s perspective and I carry that with me in my interactions with others, both women and men. Most of the stuff I read on Jezebel, while great, is pop culture throwaway but this one will stick with me.

If a woman is older than about 23 and her favorite movie is still B@T then that is all I need to know about her. See also: guys who love Catcher in the Rye. You might be a perfectly delightful person, but we can’t be friends.

What is Aronofsky going for there? I thought Sean Lennon had the market cornered on John Lennon cosplay?

You’re not wrong.

Let’s put Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss in a giant bell jar and see what happens.

When Apollo 13 came out in theaters, my dad said he didn’t want to see it because he knew how it ended so it wouldn’t be a surprise.

Then all your friends died.

We used to have a drinking game with Michael Bay movies. One part was every time there was a 360 shot, we would take a shot. We were very drunk, very early on.

Holly was fucking dark. I loved her.

I loved Shade Court, any Shade Court, but particularly the one including the line “may they be read to filth by their Mothers.”

If any of you folks have had a particularly rough day, please feel free to take a few moments and enjoy the current contents of my lap:

They’re just seeing what happens.

“I’m very proud of this piece I wrote with Anna Merlan on the challenges of reporting on sexual assault. —Madeleine Davies”

Andrew, clearly you’re still rather young (I say that principally because while you’re a fan of classic Hollywood film, you just came to Stage Door last month, and Stage Door is definitely chapter 1 in the syllabus of Classic Film Fandom). As someone who’s been a fan of this film for 40 years, I think I’m well

I have a top comment on the butthole story where I said my husband did not notice when I got my asshole bleached and thought it was insane that I did it.

Interesting article! This is a great movie in the way it presents the dialogue - people talk over each other, carry on multiple conversations at once, etc. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another movie that does this so effectively and realistically.

“Government regulation” makes a good political boogeyman, but if you look to history, it’s absolutely critical to protecting all of us, especially the most vulnerable. —Kelly Faircloth