SuckMyLeft1(it's a Bikini Kill song btw)

I think the period of uncertainty that we’re going to have for the next couple of months, that’s just been magnified now.

Helloooooo all my straight ladies: Jermaine Jackson is single!!!!!!!

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

Who is man on a left??? Rita Ora?

Yeah you have Jack Sparrow, but you also have The Mad Hatter who’s not exactly bringing in the big bucks these days.

Kim and Kanye really make cute babies.

And that's why no one should act like the election is in the bag for democrats. Everyone needs to go out and vote in November.

that is insulting to the beautiful animal Orangutans. Especially comparing them to that orange toxic waste of a man.

It is a union, and with union comes a certain responsibility: perhaps, even more strongly for one of the strongest countries in the union. Were both England and Germany to secede, surely the European Union, itself, would come close to collapse. This is akin to California seceding from the United States in terms of

We are so fucked.

So, the British equivalent of our TEA Party morons got their way? This doesn’t bode well for our chances of avoiding Orangutan-In-Chief.

It’s a thermodynamic oddity. You can lose weight in your abdomen by standing on your head, and it migrates to your boobs. It takes disciplined patience but eventually it happens. Helps if you hold your breath, as well.

Does Tom look like a man full of regret in that picture? I feel like he looks like a man who is rethinking every life choice he has ever made in that picture.

Would wear. On what occasion, I have no idea, but that’s hardly salient.

God’s Love We Deliver is a non-religious organization that provides meals for home-bound elderly and ill people and is a very worthy cause. Thank you Joan for providing food to those in need in NYC.

Years ago, Danny DeVito went on one of the morning talk shows after drinking all night with George Clooney, and totally owned up to his level of intoxication.


I don’t care if he’s drunk or not ... he’s very ... shiny.

Hahahahahaha good.