SuckMyLeft1(it's a Bikini Kill song btw)

great! between this and colourpop lippies, my plan to look like a budget version of kylie jenner is coming along nicely.

But didn’t you tho? The second she peaced out of a crazy cult marriage with her kid in tow. Something Nicole couldn’t accomplish.

But then what’s he supposed to do? Reach down there and start rearranging or tucking it back in? Isn’t that even worse? My health club is patronized by a large contingent of older Russian Jewish men for whom ball-slip is a common event due to their preference for small speedo-type swimwear. It's less exhibitionism and

I mean, just the number of times that I purely IMAGINE I left my fly down out of sheer paranoia... “Did I just feel a breeze down there?” All ducking into a corner to surreptitiously check. There’s no way this guy didnt notice.

good for jaime and katie. they are already married and no one will even admit they know each other

“I am a conservative, I like to keep what we have.”

Were President Obama eligible for a third term, we’d usher him back in the door so fast it would make the the gentleman from Iowa’s head spin.

When can we put Barack on money? Too soon? That fine man has the regal head that just belongs on money.

Exactly. Men, you don’t get to decide if your behavior makes you a predator or a creep. Any woman who has gone through high school knows the signs if a man is creepy or gross, even if they “aren’t doing anything to make you uncomfortable” so don’t think you have a right to approach us in public spaces if you aren’t

It has been estimated that the risk of abuse for both boys and girls raises by almost 30 percent when a male who is not a biological relative is living in the home :/ I can’t imagine a sadder statistic. I will forever wish I could save them all.

Yeah. It is so pervasive, even in the adult world. Yet men wonder why we don't accept their drinks or their advances when we are out with our girlfriends. WE ARE FUCKING TERRIFIED OF YOU.

Well said. I hate the fact that it is invariably girls who are the victims of child abuse, and men inevitably the perpetrators.

Is anyone else tired of being a member of the female sex? Anyone else tired and depressed and disgusted by these continuous and never-ending stories of men doing inexplicable things to girls/women simply because they can? Is it affecting you to the point that you can't interact with people anymore? Because I am about

These cases are so fucking sad. Like, I just cannot see harming any child, but it’s almost always a case where these kids are hurt or killed as some sort of revenge or in a fit of rage that really has nothing to do with them. It’s to hurt their parent, for whatever awful reason.

“Noyes, who separated from Cass’ mother months after the murder, exhibited odd behavior after his stepdaughter’s abduction and subsequent death—which included crawling in front of cameras on the front porch of his former home after pretending to throw an imaginary grenade—after being questioned in front of the press

Agreed. In the interim, enjoy this picture of my cute dog? She loves you, I promise!


It’s icky, but I can’t imagine bothering to photograph or report this. I probably would’ve assumed it was an accident and ignored it.

The DMCA needs to be updated and changed, no doubt about it, but this is the wrong way to go about it. This would have a chilling effect on smaller artists and content creators on YouTube. Hank Green, half of the Vlogbrothers and musician, has been talking about this on his channel and his Twitter for awhile.

Said a spy, “He has one pair of those shoes that he’s been wearing since March. Clearly, he’s just very English. And very good at keeping his shoes clean.”