
But what if...

Gizmodo exercises an iron fist of control to silence and ostracize any comment that doesn’t align with their message. It’s hard to tear apart something that’s barely got integrity in the first place.

No but it really is.

Because the best way to try and convince your readers that you aren’t fixated on a single person is to fixate on him, but just indirectly.

What is the ethnic makeup of the Gawker Gizmodo Media Group now?

I haven’t heard of this Thiel fellow mentioned on here before. Is he usually a fine chap?

This Peter Thiel shit is so embarrassing for you guys.

They’ll arrest her right after they arrest Bill Clinton for doing the same thing.

Not only her dad, but her mother, too:

This skateboard is both. Bulletproof glass is different types of glass layered with plastic.

You can probably just blame Canada. Epipens only cost roughly $100 there so Mylan needs to make up those losses back home in the US haha.

Corporate criminals don’t go to jail. Only us middle class serfs do.

The major issue here isn’t a company being greedy; that’s their job.

Since she’s the daughter of a sitting U.S. Senator, probably never.

Get help. You need it.

What do you say, dark-skinned little boy? You wanted this costume because it looked like you for once? Well, sorry we can’t let you have it, we have to think about what is gonna happen when white kids wear it.

I’m not Kryptonian, can I wear a Superman costume?

White kids need to learn their privileged place and STAY INSIDE AND LET THE OTHER KIDS HAVE HALLOWEEN.

I look forward to yelling at preteen POCs about their appropriation of white / asian culture

*eyeroll gif*