Suck it Burneko


Parker’s career has been such a struggle because of nothing more than rotten luck, and all NBA fans should want him to succeed.

Eating at a buffet most likely.

Look, as someone who hails from a racist area.... telling racists that they’re racist doesn’t magically make them become less racist. That’s a lovely myth because it makes the person calling someone racist feel better. They like to think of it as constructive criticism. You don’t tell someone in their late 30's

Conservatives do not have a monopoly on racism or defense of racism.

I agree it’s not suspension-worthy, but it was penalty-worthy - and I say this as someone who would take any available opportunity to shit on the Pens and their players. TBH, not even sure I would give a major for that, but I’m not upset with it either...

McConnell isn’t going to do shit to be bipartisan - he’ll try to pass something only Republicans want and then say that the House won’t be bipartisan if they don’t do everything he says. Meanwhile he and the Republicans will keep talking about “presidential harassment” to stir up fury for 2020. 

He BARELY changes his body at all. In real-time this is a penalty, but absolutely not is this worth a suspension - he shouldn’t have even been kicked out. Maybe Oshie should have stepped in front of Malkin instead of putting his jaw in front of his shoulder full flight

“Only pussies question that”
Lmao, sound intellectual argument here. Why not just use the word ‘snowflakes’ and be done with it. 

I’m so tired of seeing this pointlessly reductive description of the show’s ethos. It’s never actually been “people who care about things are dumb”, it’s more of “some people will pretend to care about fashionable causes purely for the sake of their image/ their own ego, rather than out of any genuine altruism”. Which

Exactly. Also, criminal justice advocates want people to be helped. Releasing juveniles back onto the street, rather than having them put into paid for programs that will help them, doesn’t help teens get on the right track and avoid jail in the future.

He’s not merely putting off cases. 

It’s understandable that Henneke and others disapproved of Devlin’s sudden incompetence, but it seems strange that they’d be outright hostile to his decision to let young people charged with crimes off the hook. After all—it’s their mission to reduce youth incarceration.

The thing is? Bodies don’t really know shit. We die from literally countless things and in the main it’s because the body cannot recover from whatever it was that damaged it. 

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

I get wanting natural experiences but I do not believe one’s “body knows what to do”. I also understand that hospitals are a scary place for women and there is a valid fear that medical professionals impose too much on a laboring mother. However, I would far rather have intervention that I might not want if it means

Just like the anti-vax nutjobs, this is even more infuriating because the victims are the most innocent and without choice. Fuck every single one of these Free Birth idiots. And fuck this whole “natural” movement that’s taking us backwards. Yeah, women used to sometimes give birth alone. But a fucking lot of them

this radical work of healing the deepest wounds on this earth

Home birth can be great for some women, but the fact that this group deletes any advise that counters their beliefs and doesn’t make room for other treatment options makes them a cult, and a very dangerous one at that.

WTF is the point of living in modern times if a person doesn’t avail herself of some of its luxuries, like a freaking pre-natal appointment to a midwife or something? Yet she will chatter on FB about the “primal instinct” that takes over. Guess what? Birthing can be pretty deadly, just look at history. But no, the