Suck it Burneko

All things considered, looking like a bunch of hostages is probably an upgrade for Jets fans. At least in theory, hostages have better places to be.

Not sure how other people will react to your critique/essay. It is poetic, completely self-indulgent, and filled with so much ennui that it borders on being parodic.

Oh boy this is a real team no one situation right here.

Quite an interesting term for an election isn’t it, to “steal” it. Almost like the GOP assumed they’d always win which definitely doesn’t also suggest they’d do anything to keep it.

“All Furman needs is a lovable elderly super fan to become the sport’s new mid-major darling.”

As we like to say in some parts of Greenville, “F-U all the time!”

To be fair... the Timberwolves could have had four first round picks, but fucking Thibs just wanted to see what would happen. I guess he found out... nothing good.


As a Canadian, I feel obliged to apologize for this comment.

This may be the most Canadian thing ever.

I’m not sure how to take this. “Proceeding with life” would mean that, to a rational employer/manager, taking action to ensure that this doesn’t happen under their watch again, whether that be with a current or future employee.

Example: I took my beater to a quick oil change joint down the street this summer

Democrats are “stealing” the election by. . . making sure all the votes are counted.

The Republican strategy:

If you’re the governor or secretary of state of a state, you’re not allowed to whine about the voting infrastructure. The universe can only take so much irony...

If only we knew who was in charge of the state and appointed the person tasked with overseeing elections.

Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?

That’s not a counterpoint, because my point was not that it sucked watching sports on the west coast. My point was that it sucks watching west coast sports on the east coast. I’d love nothing more than not having to kill 4 hours every Sunday morning and just getting right to the alcohol at breakfast time.

Honestly, the keeper can only be expected to make that first stop, and he makes a fine one at that. The real question is where are the parents of the defensemen and why haven’t they pushed their children into the way to help back?? It’s bad parenting if you ask me.

Last night’s 110-114 loss to the Lakers brought his struggles into the nationally televised spotlight.

I tend to go more the route of “Jimmy Butler was 100% percent right” than “Please stop being mean to KAT”.