clevelander here - we’ve had our once nice thing in a lifetime. we’ll go back to being cleveland sports now. don’t worry. he won’t land here
clevelander here - we’ve had our once nice thing in a lifetime. we’ll go back to being cleveland sports now. don’t worry. he won’t land here
This is the kind of silver-lining foresight I need right now.
In my quest to find all of the silver linings that I can from this election (because for me personally, it’s hard), I will try to throw some out here and there. I start with: Medicaid expansion! Good job Utah and Idaho! Still waiting on Nebraska, didn’t see the results for it.
Is anyone surprised by this? Trump’s M.O. has always been that everything is a win for him. There are no mistakes, no accidents, and no apologies. It’s sociopathic, but it’s also how he keeps his support. As long as he refuses to admit any mistakes, his people will continue to believe that he hasn’t made any.
I’m chalking this cycle up to a plus plus day for me, taking into account local politics. Michigan legalized pot, put together an independent re-districting committee, and added laws to our constitution protecting the vote and making it easier to register. We also elected a democratic governor against a Trump-endorsed…
Ban me if you want, but this is absolute bullshit weak by “Bey”. I mean, way to go out on a limb 3 hours before polls close, when the impact to your bottom line will likely not be affected. Giving Beyonce any credit for this weak shit is beyond ridiculous, and anyone giving her any props need to be ashamed of…
in a related note, the kid got an A in Catching Hands 101.
I would never condone punching a shitty teenager in the face.
As I eloquently wrote in the grays, I think the whole article is bullshit and those “quotes” came from someone at CNN who tried her hand at fiction.
I imagine to continue to work for Fox News, at least part of you has to truly believe it’s a reputable news source and not just a propaganda machine, and it’s really hard to argue that point when you’ve got a host literally at a function whose sole purpose is propaganda.
I think it’s the Disease of More. The injury to Hayward during the season and Kyrie during the playoffs means that Tatum will definitely have a sophomore slump. He showed a lot last year, but even then the offense only 18th in the NBA. He was spoken of this entire summer as being on the same level as Simmons/Mitchell,…
Vote, people! Brace the cold and rain and get your job done! No Kinja comments until then.
It’s reached the point where I’m not fazed by this although I absolutely should be. That’s how far we’ve fallen in two years. Ethics no longer exist for Republicans. And the Fox News code of ethics probably reads like: “Whatever it takes to make Lord Trump happy.”
I might not be asking this if he weren’t a flat-earther, but... are we sure he did that intentionally?
That wasn’t a mistake, Kyrie simply knew ahead of time the angle the ball would take off his knee. That’s his genius, Kyrie and sees every angle and every curve in the world around him in a way that nobody else does.
At the same time, if they end up in the right place I don’t really care about their motives.
Fultz’s shoulder could still be a goopy sludge of rancid, minced meat and bone fragments.
When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.
Ah. I’m in Maine, thus more familiar with the other provinces. Ontario also kinda fucked the chicken with Ford, didn’t they?