Suck it Burneko

We had the same problem around Google’s HQ, where the Googlers left their stupid bikes all over the damn place. I saw them in the local creek, blocking our company doors, in the street, in bushes, you name it. Calls to Google were ignored.

I fail to see how these are going to reduce traffic congestion. The story of these being a transportation “solution” is a genius work of fiction allowing the creation of a $2B market-value company. These have even lower value in the transportation equation than ride-share bikes (a serious rider will have his or her

It’s NBC—the network that only recently discovered Megyn Kelly was and is irredeemably racist. And who will be paying her tens of millions of dollars to leave.

Weird that there are two other writers also named that.

There’s a simple solution to this. Toss every misused, abused and unused scooter laying on a street corner into the the local creek or pond. Eventually they will get the message that their business model doesn’t work and just go away.

Too fast for the sidewalk and too slow for the street. They seem to accept that outlawing their use on the sidewalk is legitimate, so they contend that their vehicle should be allowed on the street. Explain to me how adding hundreds of slow, small, and unpredictable vehicles to the traffic flow would ease congestion.

When your business model relies on there being “no law against it” you don’t get to be surprised when a law against it arises.

Well that explains some of my (Canadian) mom’s relatives...

Pictured, the city’s attorney:

Also bird law

Not gonna lie, I reread that headline a few times before it clicked that this article was about Bird the company and not some sapient eco-friendly bird with a chip on its shoulder.

This is the network that let Trump host SNL and Jimmy Fallon rub his “hair”. NBC is garbage.

Well, it was either they air this or they air another Progressive commercial starring Flo. They chose the one that would upset fewer people

More money than otherwise offered? Just a guess.

Fuck Trump.

By [From] design, Deraciné doesn’t overload you with information about where it’s set, who its characters are, or what their respective deals are.


Kremer was’t done, however. “Chris, when you have you ever known our military just to go shoot people up?” she asked.