Suck it Burneko

If/when things do go really and truly sideways, it will split the military as much as it splits the rest of the country.

You really think General John Kelly wouldn’t have fired on Hispanic refugees if he had the personal assurance of the Commander in Chief?

Yes, thank you. I know that few commenters on Splinter/Slot/Jez actually have any experience with the military and rely on stereotypical impressions of bloodthirsty generals and admirals who will obey any order, but it’s just not true. Nor would Mattis pass such an order on, in my opinion.

There is not a single flag officer that would obey that order.

There were some with the last name Drumpf that should be on there too.

I don’t even see zonular on the board in that final picture...

My condolences to this sailor’s family and friends.

Motive?  Acuna didn’t give a fuck and didn’t want to get caught.  

“that just makes us all the more insufferable.” One thing we can all agree on. I’m begrudgingly happy for David Price and exactly nobody else.

You’re cherry picking your data.

That was the 90's! We served our penance. Because those of us who are old enough to remember it, and now bask in our continual glory... well, that just makes us all the more insufferable.

Please let it be much, much longer than a decade.

Eventually there will be a stretch of time where Boston teams are all miserable for a decade and when that happens I’m going to bask in it as much as humanly possible

i do not like dem apples.

“We’ve come to realize that if we can’t make this figure we just dreamed up in the way we want to make it then there’s no point in making any money at all.”

Finally, Warner’s back catalogue of classic films can make real money by doing what they did before: moulder away in a vault, unseen and gradually forgotten.

You just feel that making lots of shots is a key component of any modern NBA offense.

hey, know what’s not good for your health? locking yourself in a cage for 30 days...

so miss me with that “self improvement” shit.

I noted that in the story above, as well.

“FEAR NONE”, especially boundaries and sobriety.