
Can’t defend the Chicago PD but you might want to slow your roll on this one.

No, you aren’t. But the writers here really wanted it to be true.

I trust that Deadspin will now stop running any articles on NFL games, in light of your proclaimed policy of purity.

So long as Deadspin publishes anything about the NFL other than pieces criticizing its nefariousness, pieces like this merit nothing more than an eyeroll and a wanking gesture. I already used Woolley’s nuggets-eating-each-other image in a comment recently, so we’ll go with this instead:

Also, why isn’t Costas allowed to have evolving feelings, maybe going from enthusiastic fandom to discomfort to revulsion, over years or decades, just like (many of) the rest of us have?

This makes me sad. Summer of ‘69 was such a great song, not sure I can enjoy it in the same way.

Oh, I’m sure Hillsong is just as accepting of gays as it is of divorced heterosexuals. Totally sure. Like, super super sure.

Nah, but see, he SAYS it’s not unwelcome to LGBT people despite the church saying “LGBT can’t be spiritual leaders”. Surely there’s nothing more welcoming than “you can’t be a good Christian leader because of what God made you.” Can’t you just feel God’s love radiating from that homophobia? Ahhhhh, relaxing.

Jesus gon’ git ya now

So I’m not shocked at all that the response doesn’t include any real denial of Page’s criticism.

Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.

One of the thoughts that I’ve hated more than anything over the last 300 million years it feels like Trump has been President, is the amount of credit he gets for being some next level supervillain genius who’s masterfully manipulating the press and his believers.

Weird how the states that receive more federal funding than they give back are conservative.

Nope. Zero sympathy for people who don’t like the Republican agenda but say in this day and age that they don’t need to vote. I don’t care how many trucks you drive, or Beastquakes you throw down, or how many blunts you smoke in public. They’re all very cool things, and for all I care you can shove those things up

I’m just here so I won’t get disenfranchised.

Anyone who isn’t as lazy as [deadspin] got the play itself?

Dear Deadspin,

How the fuck did you not manage to title this “Portnoy’s Complaint: Barstool is too racist” ???

Uncle Milty
Dept. of Witty Literary References

Some dude gives it to me - and this might sound crazy - but I’m pretty sure it’s the same fish, every time.

I know for diet advice I go to 4000 year old books that never knew of tomatoes, corn, and dozens of other foods.