
It might not even be that; Ghostbusters was a tired idea even by the second film (53% on RT). Even if they somehow dragged Bill Murray into it, it would likely still be bad.

Weird how the states that receive more federal funding than they give back are conservative.

Nope. Zero sympathy for people who don’t like the Republican agenda but say in this day and age that they don’t need to vote. I don’t care how many trucks you drive, or Beastquakes you throw down, or how many blunts you smoke in public. They’re all very cool things, and for all I care you can shove those things up

I’m just here so I won’t get disenfranchised.

Anyone who isn’t as lazy as [deadspin] got the play itself?

Dear Deadspin,

How the fuck did you not manage to title this “Portnoy’s Complaint: Barstool is too racist” ???

Uncle Milty
Dept. of Witty Literary References

Some dude gives it to me - and this might sound crazy - but I’m pretty sure it’s the same fish, every time.

I know for diet advice I go to 4000 year old books that never knew of tomatoes, corn, and dozens of other foods. 

I love everyone screaming “SHOOTIT!!” in perfect unison, as if queued by an invisible conductor.

While comics do bomb all the time, it’s still kind of a big deal for a big star to bomb this badly on NYE in a major city. Audience likely paid large for this mess. It makes her look badly unprofessional to be this unprepared for an event like this.

This video is so old, and I think chris rock has grown up so much between this video and now. That’s one of the things I took away from Tambourine, I was like whoa chris rock did a lot of growing up.

I thought she was better than Tarkin. While he looked good he just had that slightly off look when present with other actors. Leia on the other hand was mostly by herself and I guess I could just have been too excited that we were seeing the beginning of Star Wars.

And I’d say they did their job pretty well. It looks much hetter in action, and even though it ain’t a perfect illusion, I don’t think anyone can do better right now with the tech we have. Hell, I’m not sure if someone will ever be able to do better, since our primitive, paranoid lizard brain will always be on the

This. Could someone at least  a little bit Canadian say they want to play Wolverine?

Its just nice to see her as anything other than a resident evil character.

Maybe it’s actually Keira Knightley

Not just an appropriate response, but also a seasonally appropriate gif.

In related news, Keanu Reeves stated “he would love to play Wolverine”