A team can’t tie 16 times in a row. It can’t. There are better odds of dogs taking flight. If such a statistical anomaly were to ever occur, it would break spacetime and we would all be sucked into a quantum realm.
A team can’t tie 16 times in a row. It can’t. There are better odds of dogs taking flight. If such a statistical anomaly were to ever occur, it would break spacetime and we would all be sucked into a quantum realm.
Jones is living proof that this is a fallacy. The only reason he was banned from social media is because the left DIDN’T ignore him. Instead we pointed out that he was a hate-mongering psycho and eventually something was done. Do you honestly think Facebook or Youtube would have cared otherwise?
“Trump’s record unemployment rate with the black community has gotten one point lower today as actor Geoffrey Owens” *photo of Samuel L. Jackson appears* “has gotten a job due to the tireless reporting of us here at Fox News. Thank you Trump. And thank you us.”
- Fox and Friends, September 5th, 2018, 7:45 AM
And suddenly, for the first time since Vice City, I want to play a GTA game.
I'm on team “Don’t touch a person you don’t know”. He shouldn’t be hugging everyone by default!
Also the phrase “men who are caught up in it” is a ridiculous way of making it seem like the men are victims. Louis CK wasn’t accidentally “caught up” in me too, he is a sexual predator who is responsible for his own actions.
Ugh seriously thank you! The double speak! “I’m not empathetic to Louis getting his career back. I’m just empathetic to the idea that he needs a way to get his career back.” “I’m not welcoming his return, im just happy he’s finding a way to move forward.” Those words mean the same things, Ian Michael Black!!
I would also like to point out that Louis getting back into the business throws an admitted predator into the work place for these comedians. Women will continue to feel unsafe in a business that basically says that a famous man is more important than a safe work environment.
Until a person who has committed an offense has actually acknowledged what they’ve done, apologized, and made every effort to make amends, I refuse to accept them as a fellow human. I don’t care if it’s cutting me off in traffic or murder.
how would he not ?
This comment covers everything that is wrong with the NCAA.
Please, be “That Guy,” because a smart coach I know also teaches the same thing. He advises warming up by easing into movements that replicate what you’ll be doing in the sport; mandatory rehydration and refueling immediately after the event; and then stretching during the cooldown period.
Not to be That Guy, but there are many studies indicating that pre-exercise stretching does little to prevent injury or muscle soreness.
No, and it doesn’t even mean that Weinstein did not rape her.
Well, I’m convinced.
Argento seems less and less likable as time goes on. Her being a piece of crap doesn’t mean Harvey Weinstein isn’t a rapist though.