
Jesus fuck LOL. What this looked like to me:

The coach of the Houston Raptors, R.A.W.’s opponent, says the opposite is true—after a technical foul was assessed, a R.A.W. player bumped the referee with his shoulder and knocked him to the ground, triggering the melee:

I cannot believe (*sigh* yes I can) that people are fixated on, “but did he wear socks IN the pool?” as opposed the fact that the (thankfully fired) apartment manager is a blatant racist.

I think you’re overestimating the average wrestling enthusiast if you think an MRA would make a good heel. I guaran-fucking-tee you he’d be a face.  “I’m just trying to get custody of my poor kids from my bitch ex-wife!  She does crack!  And men are the real victims of society!”


Should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that they used to

Fury isn’t the best example. Samuel L. Jackson’s likeness was licensed for the Ultimate Marvel version of Nick Fury. Not intended as a precursor to the MCU movies, it just worked out well for Mr. Jackson.

Wow, gun violence AND an assault on a free press all in one? It’s like the conservative dream. 

The music snob in me wonders why they weren’t banned for their shitty music as opposed to their shitty jokes...

The crawdaddy mascot reveal was great.  I want to know if Jim knew who was in there.

And nothing of value was lost.

This.....Did not age well.

“What is ‘Florida’, Alex?”

Take your star sir. Or madame. Either way, well played.

Please update us when this bastard is suspended or fired; or when his team turns their back on his ignorant ass.

Do I need to watch Out of Africa?

I’m 100% on Team David. I didn’t like the choice of the assault angle, but I’m choosing to believe that everyone else is deluded more than likely by the Shadow King.

I think you’re jumping to a conclusion on the sexual assault. The mouse told Syd something.

I discovered this last week and just wanted to share it because it’s really cool and I don’t remember seeing it covered here, a Season 2 promo drawn by Legion’s co-creator Bill Sienkiewicz in the style of the Egon Schiele self-portrait featured prominently a few episodes back.