
The show is called All Takes Matter. Anyone who tries to call it something else is lying.

You do know what the Falcon originally was, right?

How’s it surprising? TFA clearly established that he neglects repairs, Empire showed that a droid is more competent at fixing the ship than he is, and his co-pilot’s hands can barely manipulate a beachball.

You try making the Kessel Run in just 12 parsecs in your starship and see how it turns out!

It’s not the years, it’s the mileage.

Chances are: nobody wants it. Leto was always miscast in the role and giving him a second crack at it isn’t going to improve matters.

Yeah. I really, really, really want to be hopefult that he’s doing the right thing, but I fully expect a hidden camera there to expose someone who simultaneously needs bottled water and owns a cell phone.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” —Rhode Island

Curt wanted to donate money, but the state of Rhode Island wouldn’t give him any more.

It is fundamentally unclear what the Night King can or cannot do. So maybe! The answer to that is maybe.