loren ipsum

Netflix does not give af. The families of the victims of Dahmer complained and they did not care. Go read Ted Sarandos’s thoughts of anti-trans stand up, he thinks “hates trans people” is a “demographic” he’d like to cater to. This is business as usual for Netflix.

trying to tell us in the early seasons that the characters in Lost were totally Not Dead

“The biggest lie in television history”

Well I hate Anne Hathaway and her over-eager-theater-kid energy!

It’s a complete waste of time and energy to make a stink about it.
- The AV Club

I want to see someone be refreshingly dishonest about being a nepo baby. “I got that role on my own merits! I defeated 78 other auditioners in single combat! I’ve been using Chalamet’s head as a hood ornament for six months and nobody’s noticed!”

Nothing beats a frosty Maya Hawke on a hot day for pure refreshment.

I’ll echo the sentiments of others, that nepotism will only get you so far before you get sidelined. Did Maya Hawke have help getting her foot in the door? Absolutely. But she’s also done the work, and has the drive, and few would argue that doesn’t have incredible ability and camera presence. Compare to, say, Chet

People are going to have advantages. Deal with it. 


I said it above but Nepotism usually can open doors for you but then, for most people, they have to prove they should be there. If your “sponsor” is someone very powerful you may be able to coast in a swag job doing nothing forever but in most cases Nepotism gets you an internship or interview but then you need

I would definitely agree with this.

Having parents who are artists and love art is historicaly a good source of people who grow up to love art and want to create it themselves.

There is nothing more exhausting then people acting like nepotism is something that only effects “elites”.

Now playing

This is one of the better Criterion Closet shorts on its own, and it’s also really illustrative of part of the family business side of nepo babies when it’s done right.

Only 3.9% of US farms have make over $1 million annually over the last ten years, though, according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service. 81.4% make less than $100,000 per year. So if both our numbers are true, that average consists of a small number of US farms which make well over a million and enormous amount of

No, no, no, say it like Yosemite Sam! "OOOOOOOH, I HATES THEM NEPO BABIES!!!"

What exactly is people’s point about nepo babies? Do they think that children of famous people should be banished by law from participating in their parents industry? It’s a complete waste of time and energy to make a stink about it. People are going to have advantages. Deal with it. 

This is literally all anyone has ever asked. And I take it to reflect that Maya Hawke is confident enough as an actress and artist and comfortable enough in her career to know she’s going to be weighed favorably on her merits against her advantages and it doesn’t make her less if someone else got screwed over it. To

“Refreshing” is a good word for it. So few beneficiaries will admit this. We keep seeing interviews of these entertainers claiming, “We actually have to work even harder than everyone else...” and other nonsense. That’s the part that I’m tired of — the denials, the gaslighting, the woe-is-me attitude, as if we will be