loren ipsum

Solo is a good juxtaposition. Take away all the stupid callbacks (gold dice! how did Solo get his name!) and it’s a terrific adventure movie. It’s more Indiana Jones than the last 2 Indiana Jones flicks. The execution of the action scenes, from the American Graffiti-style car chase to Han Solo shooting Tobias Beckett

It isn’t about the franchise belonging in one story format or the other, it’s about that story itself.

That’s because she did. 

It felt like a Masterclass commercial.

I found the McHale scene was a bit undercut by all the scenes of Carmy flashing back to his tutelage and incorporating his advice/demands in the present day, contrasted with the kinder approach of Terry and his other mentors, often in the same scene. Carmy wrestling with the tension between “that guy sucked as a human

Marcus just disappeared this season, and it drove me nuts. Computer wants to cut him loose mid-season, and it’s made clear to him in no uncertain terms that Marcus isn’t going anywhere... great! And then we basically don’t see or hear from Marcus for the rest of the season.

I’m totally down for character driven, but you have to either learn somethings new, or be “hanging out.”

I’m a fan of the books and it’s a damn good adaptation so far, so I’d say yes.  Good acting, the details of the Silo are really well done and the season ended exactly where it should have.

definitely the weakest season of the 3 so far, but still very enjoyable tv for my money (the same amount i was paying for the service anyway).

I think the only time I really belly-laughed was the “non-negotiable” scene. “They’re not to be negotiated!” Other than that, a very “Oops, All Vibes!” season. I know it’s a little harsh, but at some point I told my partner “This is what it looks like when a showrunner crawls directly up their own ass.” Even if it’s

The most interesting take in this arena to me is from the folks with experience in the restaurant business, who’ve noted that odd late-night bang sessions are quite endemic to that world, and IRL Carm & Syd would likely have a fling and then nothing would come of it -- but television is still too immature for that

The first and last time I heard about that was when Ayo said it wasn’t going to happen.

Yeah sure, you’re not projecting at all.

I generally enjoyed this season, though definitely not nearly as much as the first two. However... that scene of everyone standing around gazing longingly at the “Every Second Counts” sign, each nodding their heads wistfully.

And either way:  Will we know that there was a time jump if there is one?

New season of Slow Horses comes out in a couple of months I think, that will help with the wait

(Given his reputation as a total asshole, I’m surprised that the unerringly kind Chef Terry invited David to be a part of this sacred evening. Talk about a vibe killer.)

I’ve spoken to dozens of people about this show the past three years, frequented The Bear subreddit and listened to more recap/discussion podcasts than I care to admit and I’ve never heard or seen this brought up a single time.

At this point I almost wish they never made season 2, expectations are so high now it can only disappoint. But I would love to be proven wrong.