loren ipsum

More like Dot Matrix

Unlike most quarterbacks in Football, Laguna knew it was time to retire and dipped out

Yes, I’m sure all the remaining Pythons, who have no other way of communicating with the outside world other than through you, all secretly agree with you, John Cleese.

Michael Palin and Terry Jones were always my favorites. I just finished Ripping Yarns, and although it doesn’t hit the heights of Python, it’s still really good.

Didn’t even think Squall/Riona was the best romance in FVIII.

Man, I had no interest in Squall and Rinoa’s “love” story. Squall just never was an interesting character to me. His transition from brooding dickhead to still-brooding-dickhead-but-now-admits-he-loves-Rinoa had no real arc to it. Didn’t help that the game spoon-fed you the idea from the very box art that this Final

I mean sure, if you ignore the love stories of Tidus and Yuna, Zidane and Garnet, Cloud and Tifa, Locke and Celes, and Zell and Hotdogs, then yeah, Squall and Rinoa clearly have the best love story.

Late Stage Capitalism. You can’t feel represented by your democracy, but you can definitely feel represented by this private industry dictated by nepo babies run in a hierarchical antidemocratic system.

Not to wade into the main topic of the fandom losing its shit, but this quote stood out as weird. Why get into the console business if you weren’t trying to take out-compete the other players for dollars or at least marketshare?

“Don’t worry, we got rid of religion.”

You right. My mistake.

This is the answer considering damn near every major war has been started or had some religious component to it.

Humans are naturally religious creatures, and we will engage in religious tribalism over basically anything. Fandoms for games, movies, comics, sports, politics....doesn’t matter. It all basically comes down to the same behavior and there will always be people who make anything a core aspect of their identity and then

Arrested development? I could go on a tirade about end stage capitalism commodifying, literally ripping out, packaging, and shipping, every aspect of human life back to us, but this is Kotaku so I don’t have to. I'd just be preaching to the choir.

And to reiterate what I’ve said on this site for years (and gotten some deliciously butthurt reactions about): feel free to love things, but don’t be a fan of them. Being a fan means making it a part of your identity, which makes you little more than a mouthpiece for something that only cares about you as long as it’s

I prefer to tell people to Touch Degrassi.

These things have a tendency to circle back though. GamerGate was basically the prototype for the Trump campaign.

We’ve been fighting this war for nothing.

“This is truly the Xbox apocalypse”

HEY! What did I say before about Stanley Cups? There’s only ONE.