loren ipsum

As much as I have enjoyed the two Sonic movies, They are not at the level of story telling Avatar: The Last Air Bender was. And a child being shot is a lot different then a unseen genocide. It probably shouldn’t be but human brains are weird like that

i can see the prestige/oscars argument for kotfm or napoleon, and i’m at least happy those movies exist. no idea why they extended the same arm to matthew vaughn of all people.

Who the hell green lit $200 million for Argyle? That’s a low budget or mid range movie at best. Definitely not blockbuster territory and especially in the current market?

I’d rather watch an overstuffed, self-satisfied spy spoof featuring loads of talented actors having a blast than a consistently amusing, competent comedy with absolutely nothing new or fresh to offer. C+ or not, I’m adding this to my “to watch” list.

I like how ‘Invincible’ had Mark consider the name Ass-Kicker for one second before dismissing it as “wilfully childish”, which honestly sums up my feelings about a lot of Vaughn’s style (and, of course, that of Mark Millar, the originator of Kick Ass).

For me, exhausting is true for everything Matthew Vaughn after Layer Cake, or First Class, where he was beholden a licensor.

Might be a hot take if it weren’t so objectively true. 

Idk if it's a hot take, but I think Matthew Vaughn is a decent mainstream director who desperately wants to be punk rock, but has nothing to say and no real style of his own. So he just comes off as a cheap Guy Ritchie knockoff.

Another unedited, weirdly tangential Star Wars article stoking the false flame war between fans? Sam must need to pay a credit card bill or something and needs clicks.

Well, she has evil midichlorians.

Is it just me, or have there been significantly more items on pop culture sites lately that treat an actor saying that they liked a movie that they appeared in as something just shy of a moral failing?

I never quite got why it HAD to be linked to the Skywalkers anyway (other than Luke as failed master to Ben and redemption master to Rey... which would have made for a better story focus). There were Jedi for millennia before Anakin - so a bunch of “nobody” children with the ability to wield the force is just part of

The problem was the writing. Not Daisy, not Adam, not Oscar, etc. The people who are supposed to know such things in fact didn’t know what story they wanted to tell or what story they were actually telling. The attempt to “correct course” from TLJ produced a ridiculous - and boring - final act. There really just ended

You have a point, and I’ll admit I always thought there was some unreliability to his claim.

Eh, Kylo did state with conviction that Rey had “no place in this story. You come from nothing. You’re nothing.” And the line is sold such that the audience should accept it at face value.

Britney Spears continues to prove that she’s one of the least selfish famous people to ever exist, even though, after all she’s been through, a little righteous anger would be more than justified.”

Yeah, like...I’ve read dozens of wrestling nonfiction books, many about McMahon, and even Meltzer couldn’t make this shit up.

These people are gonna fuck around and bring us President Trump again.

A vote for any candidate other than Biden is a vote for Trump. Not voting is a vote for Trump.

For fuck’s sake, not everything is about Gaza and abortion rights in the US are are already threatened enough, the issue doesn’t need to be held hostage by the war in Gaza.