loren ipsum

This is hilarious, and the level of tone-deaf we’re seeing is line line with their previous posts, like the one saying to please not call them scammers, their scam game isn’t a scam and they worked hard for years on their dream game. All those purchased assets took years I guess, even though most of the assets used

I hope these people continue to fail, because blaming anyone but themselves for that trash they put out and the resulting dumpster fire that ensued is insane.

I personally hated 16. Mainly because the gameplay was beyond boring and basic. It was a glorified button masher with 0 depth. That being said, I’ll agree that 16’s story was extremely emotionally satisfying and some of the best Final Fantasy had to offer and can’t even compare to 15.

Nah, the anime and Kingsglaive don’t actually give extra context. The characters in Kingsglaive are barely mentioned at all in the main game (all you need to know is that Niflheim destroyed Noctis’s kingdom, which the game tells you), and nothing the anime shows comes through in the game itself. The DLC gives a little

I too, tend to freak out when the protagonist of a Final Fantasy game does not resemble the NPCs. 

FF15 is probably a better game now in hindsight than it was when it came out. I remember it being quite distracting how very clearly unfinished it was (the last 10 hours of the game are you rushing past the pretty clearly uncomplete second continent in a train instead of exploring it, the grand city that’s both

If you really lean into the road trip aspect, the game is beautiful. Being asked to choose a photo at the end of the game is genuinely heartbreaking when you realize what it means. The complicated relationship between Noctis and his father really hits home at the end as well.

I kinda hate how news sources here in the UK have been reporting this. They keep saying she’s been axed. She’s filmed an entire series and is supposedly in 4 of the 8 episodes of the following season. It sounds more like her character’s arc finished. I wish the BBC would clarify some things because she’s very young

I really liked Martha’s return run during the 4th season. She was a companion who left on her own terms and then forged a new path where she could continue to help people.

Remember that nerdy guy Nine and Rose picked up in the Dalek episode, took on one adventure and then dumped because he was trying to make money off his knowledge of the future? That’s what I call a one and done. (Though you could always bring him back as a villain; have him stewing for years over being abandoned until

Varada Sethu has worked basically her entire career in UK TV; this seems like a premature worry.

At least Graham was played by the one true ringer on the cast. The character was as sketchy as any of Chibnall’s characters, but Bradley Walsh could be counted on to make any scene he was in feel a lot more interesting than it actually was.

I really loved Yaz. And feel completely robbed we never got a Thirteen/Yaz kiss. 

I started to like Yaz a lot better after she fell in love with The Doctor and started calling her on some of her secretive, manipulative behavior. It felt like the writers figured out that character way too late.

honestly? good. while I liked how the Moffat era had longer companion arcs that really allowed the performers to settle into a comfortable groove, I think Chibnall’s era got way too comfortable with itself. (even when Graham left, he was just replaced with a different boring aging white dude!)

I suspect it’s a combination of it getting harder to bring back an established Doctor after three seasons (by that point the actor can demand a lot more money and their profile is big enough they are getting offers for other roles which will create scheduling conflicts) and because the original run of Doctor Who

GTFO whitey. The browner the better!

And while all of this is still popping up in a somewhat murky rumor space, with all reporting from the Daily Mirror and credited to unnamed sources,

Kids want to see the original Jamie back as the companion

You’re pretty bad at being pedantic since Martha had several appearances in Season 4, not to mention Donna’s appearance before her first season. Bill is the only companion contained to one season, unless you hold to the Episode 0 designation for holiday specials, which I’ve always thought was dumb (Aside from The