loren ipsum

Helluva Boss hit its stride about halfway through the first season and has been pretty solid since. The sex jokes are still there but most episodes now get pretty deep into character development there’s some pretty emotional and tragic stuff there. Plus I think the Hazbin Pilot technically came first but the show was

I’m looking forward to this! I saw the pilot episode (or whatever you call it) on YouTube and I was intrigued. The humor is very crude at times, but there’s some real heart behind it all.

My parents say the same thing, but they’re in their 70s and only enjoy crime stories. Some of the brilliant shows of the past decade or so, such as Atlanta or Reservation Dogs, is utterly beyond them. Plus, they largely only seek out tv on linear and HBO.

Why is the article randomly negative toward MacFarlane? His comedy isn't my style and I'm not a fan of anything he's done (except the first Ted), but he's pretty successful and seems like an okay guy. He also has a really good singing voice hahaha

Lots of people here not from tech industry commenting money. When people talk budget, it’s usually time. Another word for it is bandwidth. So essentially, I see it as the team didn’t have enough time to make fat Peter work, which is entirely reasonable.

Yeah, read the article, expected Set MacFarlane to pull a Peter, instead he talks pretty normal throughout the whole interview.

Feels whoever wrote that paragraph is trying to be a sensationalist blogger at their worst.

Came to comments for the same question.  Author seems to have a bone to pick with the guy.  Comparing the last 3 paragraphs to the actual video is jarring.

Has it become old yet to say they should get Scarlett Johanssen? Ah, screw it, I’m saying it anyway.

Once I saw the buffed-up model I assumed it was the same reason all the Fortnite skins are roughly the same shape: they need to fit identical hitboxes for each player. The cartoon Peter would be twice as easy to hit as anything else.

So what I am guessing is that they couldn’t make fat peter work on the character rig without engine changes and thats expensive to do so they would either have to rig up a new character rig that could potentially have a different hitbox/physics or make something that works within that character rig instead.

Smol bean indie company Epic, just no money to make a new model, owo

“Sonic, as thanks for saving the world for a 3rd time, the United States Government is please to present you with this: A digital download code for a free 3 month trail of ToonBoom Storyboard Pro!”

Anyone excited about this? Honestly?

Yeah, you’re right, I hate it when people cynically misrepresent something that real people experience, for their own benefit.

Pretty crappy read on this unwatchable nursing-home show, but ok.

117 episodes of The Good Doctor. What was the AVClub saying about pining for episodic tv and long episode counts?

Literally all I have seen of this show are the two clips that circulated on Twitter. One, where he freaks out and screams at a senior doctor, “I AM A SURGEON!” then melts down over whatever. Because autism, I guess? Non-autistic men never have meltdowns.

Jesus 7 seasons?  I swear it doesn’t feel like Bates Motel ended all that long ago.

Award show hosts have flopped before (Oprah? Uma. Uma? Oprah.) and will flop again, but he lost any good will from me when he started reprimanding the audience and throwing the writers under the bus.

I though most of the jokes were pretty standard award show type jokes.