loren ipsum

Because money

...calling your production shingle ‘One Race’ doesn’t really seem like a good idea.

“It’s not as funny as it used to be”

Yeah, the main story is told.

Why would anyone make a show about a regular human bartender?

Six seasons seems reasonable, really, for such a high concept. I thought season five was a bit weak (yet still terrific) and, anyway, shows don’t go on forever. Six is more than most shows get. That said, I am open to a Jackie Daytona spinoff.

This is a good run and I could sort of tell it might be winding down since Guillermo’s storyline essentially ended last season

They should just replace him with Krang from TMNT.

You can only burn so much money until you get cold. I don’t think Johnny Depp ever had criminal charges against him, though, and I doubt any behavior clause included civil issues, even if he were found liable.

Maybe Marvel can use this as a good excuse to take some time and rethink some of their strategies for the future. I’m not as big a naysayer as some people when it comes to the MCU - I really liked ‘The Marvels’, for example - but it’s very clearly been a rocky road for the last year or two. Take the opportunity to say

Doctor Strange actually saw two outcomes where they beat Thanos, but he likes Scott so he didn’t want to mention the second unless he really had to.

Wasn’t Johnny Depp’s payout for Fantastic Beasts something in the tens of millions?

Even after a rough year, Disney still has money to burn, but they don’t do so unless necessary. 

Don’t mention Ant Man and asses when Thanos is around.

My favorite theory is The Fantastic Four features a scene where Dr. Doom simply kills all the Kangs to take their power. 

Jesus. Christ. Of course (OF COURSE) there are dudes (always dudes) on social media in outrage over the firing because it was "only" a misdemeanor.

“You embarassed YOURSELF in front of Derek Jeter.”

Now playing

This hurts. As much as I liked him in Homicide and B99, the first role of his I remember was in Primal Fear. Even in a great supporting cast that includes John Mahoney, Terry O’Quinn, Maura Tierney, Alfre Woodard, Laura Linney and future Homicide costar Jon Seda, Braugher really stands out as Richard Gere’s cynical

This is devastating news.

The absolute keystone of the Brooklyn 99 cast. Show absolutely would not have worked without him. This sucks.

What a huge loss.