loren ipsum

CTRL+F The OA...

William Hughes acting a little like Bobby “The Brain” Heenan here.

Cid’s not cool, though? He’s a wife-beating alcoholic has-been who is at the lowest point in his life when you meet him. The cigarette fits that perfectly, and if they wanted to send a powerful message about smoking, have him swear to quit or something once he’s finished his arc and had emotionally dealt with his

Countercounterpoint. Yes.

He’s old in anime years, where the average person is only around 16. I’m almost 40, so I’m expecting all the rest of my hair to suddenly turn gray any day now.

Yes, it is. It isn’t even a *little* subtle.

It’s not if you want your girlfriend to stay in an abusive relationship and not go to the police.

Reminds me of how Auron from FFX is supposed to only be 35, lol

That dastardly Janet Snakehole stole his memories!

I’m now furious that Ginuwine and the band Tonic never toured together as Gin + Tonic. Furious, I say!

Clothes, fragrances, massages, mimosas, fine leather goods.

We have footage of the event:

He’s confused and asking Gin a question: U Wine? No? Oh. You’re Gin? Alright. Where’s your friend, Tonic?

She knows how to treat her self!

Ask his cousin, she works for the local government and drives a Mercedes. 

Well he is part of the Meagle family, and the Meagles are cold people.

Finally! At long last, Ginuwine weighs in on the subject everyone is talking about!!

Maybe he ran into Timberlake and Spears on the streets of his hometown of Pawnee and then got too drunk at the Snake hole Lounge to remember any of it.

It’s a seriously shitbag move. Planned in advance as if it were some brilliant bit of stagecraft. I look forward to him nursing an infant next.

As a certified domestic violence counselor, and former DV prosecutor I’ve made this request many, many times (and it goes for sexual assault as well): please stop referring to alleged victims as “the accuser.”  It sounds as if the (usually) woman initiated something against the (usually) man, and implies by