loren ipsum

A Link Between Worlds was really great and I’d love a remaster of it for the Switch.

They've been talking up a sequel based on the alternative ending for about a decade now. Unlike a lot of DVD versions the alternate cut has been on TV and Streaming, perhaps for this reason. Not saying it's a good idea mind you.


Huffman tried to acknowledge her privilege here with her random aside about black and brown people facing the police and, without knowing her personally at all, I wouldn’t be surprised if that comment was completely genuine.

I mean when she tried to score progressive points by talking about the FBI raid in terms of the black and brown community was definitely at least as tone deaf as that lol.

I think it was Aunt Becky’s kid who wanted to be an influencer.  Not that it matters.

yup! and again, not to defend anything, but this is exactly why so many rich suburban white women are fucked in the head.

If she’d just emphasized the work with A New Way Of Life - which is a genuinely worthy cause - and summarized her experiences as “I screwed up, but this is something good to come out of it,” this would have both been a solid step on the road to redemption and achieved the goal of getting the organization some decent

And so it was sort of like my daughter’s future, which meant I had to break the law.”

Wow, she thinks this is the way to forgiveness?!

She’s so transparently full of shit.

As someone who plays a lesbian journalist on The Morning Show, I am more offended by it as a lesbian than I am as a Jew,”

That combo of the way she says “BLACKS” and her fighting not to call us ignorant was really something.

I wonder if, in hindsight, we’ll see Quantumania as the movie that killed the general public’s interest in the MCU.

I was really mad they made me openly weep about a character I started off despising for the  first few episodes.

Yeeeeeaaah, that’s what storytelling needs.. more bureaucratic oversight.

Yep. It’s an industry hell-bent on cutting its own stupid fucking throat. Pandering to theaters that charge an arm and a leg for junk food while offering little to no experience management (aka not giving a fuck if some idiot is talking on his phone or a child is crying in an R rated horror flick or the floors are

As opposed to overstuffed and unnecessary? Like MOST movies that run over 2 hours?

The director has claimed she wanted to make a relatively short movie, so if the original runtime was 150 minutes, either that claim was spin, or she was directing the wrong script.

For me it’s not superhero fatigue. It’s “spending money I can’t really afford to go out and see a movie” fatigue.