I hate the idea that something bad happening to a character is a mistake/shoddy treatment/a terrible disservice. It’s a drama. It’s supposed to affect you emotionally.
I hate the idea that something bad happening to a character is a mistake/shoddy treatment/a terrible disservice. It’s a drama. It’s supposed to affect you emotionally.
I love the Moffat line. “if you notice a mistake in Dr Who, it’s not a mistake, you just haven’t seen the story where the Doctor changed the timeline”.
It was hugely emotional at the time, but sadness and tragedy have their part in drama - otherwise the drama isn’t very dramatic. I’m glad to see her back but I never thought it needed “fixing”.
Canon doesn’t work with Dr. Who.
I think it could be taken semi-literally. Snyder really seems better suited to still photography. He makes cool recreations of comic panels, but once the image starts moving, and the characters start talking, he loses the thread.
No, fuck you Musk for making me look up the word philosemitic and getting disappointed it’s not a type of delicious Jewish pastry.
Maybe "hallucinatory" instead of "visionary"...
Only if there are a sufficient number of them, apparently.
Zaslav went on to say, “I have never sexually satisfied another person, and I never will, because the thought of giving someone else pleasure physically repulses me.”
It’s snarky as fuck, but not enough for me to feel an iota of sympathy for this disingenuous POS.
Rorschach in general, really. He’s basically a teenage boy who read Watchmen and thought that Rorschach was the cool anti-hero, the guy who did what needed to be done, the moral center of the story. Not, you know, a violent right-wing maniac who is only ever right by accident.
I also think he’s psychologically incapable of understanding that subtext exists. Like, not that he doesn’t get subtext, that his brain keeps him wholly and blissfully unaware that it is a thing. The man is all surface. All style. All flash and no substance.
Yes, they’re in a bit of lull, but you’d be crazy to ignore their massive, massive sucesses.
Seems like there was a miscommunication somewhere. Like maybe WB didn’t make it clear to him that they wanted an Avengers, with Avengers money, ASAP, or he didn’t make it clear that he didn’t want to do that.
“apparently a really nice guy who everyone likes working with.”
Funny thing is, had someone on Io9 claiming that Snyder is an antifascist director. Meanwhile he idolizes Frank Miller that flirted with fascism in most of his best known works. He also outed himself a a total fascist crank after 9/11.
Snyder loves super powered people...but doesn’t know what makes superheroes special.
Ironic, really, that DC decided to give him the DCEU when he couldn’t even get Watchmen right.
I think the answer is that 1) his movies typically make good enough money, and 2) he’s apparently a really nice guy who everyone likes working with. In the calculus of Hollywood, whether your movies are actually any good by any reasonable critical metric is irrelevant.
I truly don’t understand how Snyder keeps getting work, or how he’s amassed such a following.
His runtimes are out of control. His characters are unlikable. His plots are incoherent, often requiring several director’s cuts to even start making sense of them. He can’t manage a budget. He’s clearly more interested in the…
Of his stuff, I genuinely love his Dawn of the Dead remake, and enjoy Watchmen. But DotD demonstrates that he needs a capable writer (James Gunn in that case), and Watchmen shows how his literalism in transferring comic panels to the screen cuts both ways.