My biggest issue was a personal one - the way they dealt with Ryan’s dyspraxia.
My biggest issue was a personal one - the way they dealt with Ryan’s dyspraxia.
She was utterly fantastic in a poorly written era, I hope they can bring her back in the future multi Doctor stories so we can see the true potential of that regeneration.
I had many, many, many issues with the Chibnall era, but Jodie Whittaker wasn’t one of them. Do I wish that the first female Doctor had had something resembling a consistent personality? Sure, but that wasn’t Whittaker’s fault.
Yeah, his films aren’t meant to be commercial crowd pleasers. He just makes what he wants to make and managed to stumble into bigger name recognition.
Good point! The Russo’s are an interesting case. I don’t know if you can argue that Marvel wasted years of their lives, and they’ve been given opportunities to work on multiple big projects with no existing IP attached. For example, their project for Amazon had an enormous price tag. I’m not sure they have anyone to…
the russo’s themselves are even a great example. they were an interesting choice and had done good work on tv, obviously elevated the mcu, and everything they’ve made since has been the worst stuff of their career.
Just given his sense of humor... I think I can give him the benefit of the doubt that that was pretty tongue in cheek?
It felt out of his wheelhouse even at the time. His earlier films were SO indie that it felt like he was only taking Ragnarok for the paycheck. The fact that it was actually good proved he’s an adept storyteller no matter the size of his budget. I’ve always rooted for him - he seems like a decent fellow.
“O’Malley wrote it.”
This. For any screen adaptation of a novel to be “a proper adaptation that fully explored all its nuance” it would probably have to be about 9-12 hours long, instead of the less-than-four hours this series is. Sure, it’s been done before, but not as often or as successfully for the most part. Screen adaptations…
For the record I don’t really see any actual fans of the original work complaining about it. The complaining is coming almost entirely from the brigade of “anti-woke” comic books gatekeepers that always complain when anything in pop culture isn’t squarely aimed at white men.
The whole point is the meta commentary. Doing it the way you described absolutely removes that point, which makes it easier to view it as an alt version of Scott Pilgrim without any connection to the source material.
The problem is not the anime...but it’s of people who get angry that they got “hoodwinked” because they…
People: I don’t want spoilers in trailers
I think the Rey stuff angered people because we were gaslit to believe that Rey’s lineage mattered by TFA. Her entire reason for being is waiting for/looking for her parents, then she gets to Maz’s place and the plot HEAVILY hints at the importance of her lineage with all that stupid flashback stuff (that went…
Man I’m a huge Star Wars fan and the “Rey’s parents didn’t matter” was the best thing they could have possibly done and I hate that they immediately undid it. Fuck turning every franchise into a dynasty. Do I gotta find out later that like Kit Fisto had super special Jedi parents too?
I feel the same right now about…
It’s also pretty great in that it shows Scott’s character development as a traditional heroic character removed the chance for everyone else to grow and evolve. By having him not have the chance to solve everything by being “The best fighter in Toronto,” everyone else got to solve everything by having increasingly…
Scott Pilgrim literally took off though. Regular Scott left, albeit not intentionally, when he was kidnapped by Old Scott. Old Scott left Ramona because he felt rejected.
definitely a sequel but you can’t bill it as a sequel because then people would’ve rioted that it’s not a traditional sequel either.
I remember when a friend in highschool first recommended Scott Pilgrim with me with the caveat that the characters and story was ‘kind of shallow.’ And while enjoyable, her assessment ultimately proved true, it was pretty shallow. That’s why I was so delighted that the anime zagged instead of zigged. I went from “Meh,…
Nega Scott, a physical manifestation of all of Scott’s flaws, down to short gags