loren ipsum

Wouldn’t it have been easier, and probably less expensive, for Norman to just murder Aunt May? Hiring an actress, manipulating her DNA, killing HER, just to later get Peter with the “fooled you!” bit doesn’t torment Peter, it just kills a working actress.

Like, his special effects where good enough to make Norman actually believe he fucked her. So technically he didn’t fuck Norman. At best it was a very elaborate handjob.

When I was a kid I lived for those Electric Company Spider-Man bits. Because of those, I spent a good portion of my childhood thinking that Spider-Man didn’t talk.

Hell, Harry fucked with Norman’s head from beyond the grave by hiring Mysterio to fuck Norman...

This production was so secret I heard Zendaya thought she had filmed Dune Part 2 until the trailer released

Not blaming the filmmakers, it’s the obnoxious marketing machine that annoys me.

This movie is going to end all the nervous mumbling about the MCU possibly dying out.

Not reading sites that exist to go into this stuff *might* be a start, if it bothers you so.

I think cloaking technology should be banned from movie fiilming. Yes, I understand that they wanted to keep Dafoe’s presence a secret, but having invisible people on set is just dangerous -- as mentioned Holland even ran into Dafoe because of it.

I admire Sony’s attempts to salvage their past products by shoving them into a current successful product. But I’ll admire it even more if they give me Jake Johnson’s Peter B. Parker in live-action.

Also Charlie Cox as Daredevil, but that’s a Marvel call. Anyway, I’ve been very good this year, thank you in advance

My wife does fine.  Helps to not give a shit about being online.

I always feel like you can’t blame the filmmakers for constructing their story assuming the viewer is coming in cold, when all of their surprises will inevitably be revealed in set photos, cast lists and trailers.

This is Spider-Man, emissary of Hell erasure!

Big comic book movies featuring a character who has already had too many movies are the wrong thing to watch if you want surprises.

Like “Secretaries General”, the correct plural is “Spiders Man”. 

I’m expecting a bit of a Far From Home thing. Everyone who knew anything about spiderman knew that Mysterio *probably* wasn’t a great dude. But we’ll get the twist, it’ll be like “Cool, knew it”, and the rest of the movie will be fun too.

Nowhere near as bad given the relentless months of coverage, and the studio’s own tip of the hat, but in a nutshell:

When DaFoe de-cloaks in front of you, of course you’re going to compensate by becoming more cockney.

And it’s shockingly way less convoluted and nonsensical than most of Norman’s schemes against Peter...