Yeah and what’s all this hipster nostalgia shit? I want to re-remember the Thorn Birds miniseries. Is that too much to ask?
Yeah and what’s all this hipster nostalgia shit? I want to re-remember the Thorn Birds miniseries. Is that too much to ask?
The words “weaponized nostalgia” keep going through my head.
He’s an ugly little spud, isn’t he?
In whose book was Burton the “favorite” or the “frontrunner”? Not the AV Club’s, which had rankings and did not rank Burton anywhere near the front. He wasn’t among the initial guest rotation, and was brought in very late in the game as a cave to public pressure, and then by all accounts he wasn’t that great as host.…
I get Renner may suck as a person, but he is a good actor, and does a fine job when they give he the space and dialogue, as seen in AoU, Civil War, and Endgame.
Seriously, someone had to tell me they’re not a duo.
it’s amazing how consistently stupid these losers in the grays are
Recent DL shows I’ve caught on TV are hilarious because all the other dudes are pretty well covering up their 60+ bodies to the extent possible, while Collen apparently doesn’t own a shirt.
Yeah, this is just shockingly stupid on Blizzard’s part. Even venal self-interest would lean in favor of paying her equally, just to respond to the scrutiny that you know is going to be present amid the legal cases.
I know other things in this report are worse, but for some reason this is the thing that has me most shocked. Like you said, how did they think that was going to look? Just completely idiotic. Good for her for leaving.
which presents a misleading view of Activision Blizzard and our CEO.
In it [Oneal] said he was paid less than her newly appointed counterpart, Mike Ybarra, and felt “tokenized, marginalized, and discriminated” during her time at the company.
Mumford and Sons needs to apologize for making me assume the other members were legally Mumford’s Children
Eh, they’re no McCluskey.
Maybe not necessary from a global culture point of view, but it sounds like these guys are just sick of getting asked about it.
Have you heard about Ok Christ? The Irish Christian Radiohead tribute?
I never seen him fold shit. Just fucking around with the piano all day.
DAMN but Phil Collen got jacked. Also I’m still trying to find a reasonably priced version of his custom Ibanez Destroyer from the Pyromania era.