Again, refer to last paragraph.
Again, refer to last paragraph.
Well, when the physical components for those games cost $35, that was justified. That’s what Nintendo charged to manufacture a SNES cartridge (and they were there only ones making them). Then let’s get into the packaging, shipping costs... Also fully controlled by the big N.
You got the touch!
That reputation will be just fine when the new AC, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, etc. gets released and proceed to get lapped up from the loyal dogs who keeps buying games from bad companies.
“We are at the start of a long journey, real change will take time,”
Yes, a couple of friends haven’t touched FF7 Remake because they don’t have a PS4, but loved FF7 as kids / teens. So, they’ve said they’ll get a PS5 since it’s just a few months later.
This trailer gave me all the tingles.
These are the times I wish Tony was the Scott brother who was still with us.
Yes, I'm aware. That was my answer to how I'm doing. Wasn't a critique.
I miss Schreier already
Half the fun of DL was the death animations. Hopefully they work a few in there.
Geez, another Germain article that is shockingly poorly researched. Whodathunkit?
Sorry for the huge delay in response. No, its going to be crunched, regardless if it’s “from now” or “from now plus 5 weeks.”
Unless you’re one of the many devs for whom this delay means 400+ hours of more work, sure. Not bad.
Still ‘spended tho
Coming soon from Vivid Video.
6. It was 6 episodes.
Nothing beats scrolling through a “goodbye” post for a valued member of the GMG community, then being slapped in the face with a stark reminder of exactly WHY there are so many of these happening.
Wait. Something is off about this story.