
She didn’t go immediately to the coat hanger, it took her 24 weeks to get that desperate. She spent those weeks trying to get a legal abortion, attempting to come up with the money, trying to figure out how to get to the clinic, where to stay, etc. She probably tried some sort of other attempt, like punching herself

As of 2014, Kentucky’s governer was the 2nd highest paid...

I don’t know much about it actually. I am very conflicted about PSN in general after watching them be ripped apart on twitter for a number of valid reasons by @whitefolkwork and others a few weeks ago.  I tend to think of PSN in the same vein as “Humans of New York” and the “love what matters” facebook page.  It’s

I want them to show up in a rainbow of pantsuits.

I read somewhere else that she has been fired and rehired twice before this. Are there no other people in that city that don’t have a job?

I am super embarrassed about it, but I love that show.

I just bought a lovely cookbook called “Taste or Persia,” so I ventured out to a store I call international Costco (it’s a big, unheated warehouse, and you can buy in bulk) and came back with all sorts of fun ingredients like fenugreek, sumac, rose water, pomegranate molasses... it’s going to be a delicious week.

Looks like you can order online from Amazon’s prime now service via Bartell drugs, in Seattle. Very nice!

Christianity is like a moral get out of jail free card. Yes, you’re supposed to love your neighbor, etc, but if you don’t, well, god will forgive you anyway because he knows you tried. Just pray, or dunk you head under water or rub some beads or whatever.

I have a theory that he’s secretly Lister from Red Dwarf, or at least stole his hair.  Exhibit A:

I pointed out to my aunt that the website she was claiming as factual had a satire disclaimer, and explained that satire means it’s a joke. She told me she could believe whatever she wanted. Okie dokie then. I cannot argue with that.

I have been following her on twitter for about week and crying every day when I see her tweets as every day is worse than the last. I want to go rescue them all right now.

I imagine he’s picking these people sort of like a big match game. He’s got a list of jobs he has to fill, and a bunch of headshots with names. He saw Ford, he matched transportation. He saw urban, he matched black. Hope Hicks is in the corner yelling “bingo” every once in a while to make him feel smart.

He grew up in a city, and has treated many urban patients.

Also, black guy for job with “urban” in the title.

Write it sloppy so it looks like tramp

I think I figured out the Benghazi one, finally. In one of the discussions after the attack, she said “what difference does it make,” which was spun that she is callous and doesn’t give a rat’s ass about soldier lives.

Thank you. I’m old, but I’m hoping someone here knows how to summon the power of the hive...

So... I was thinking today about how Megyn Kelly said he called his Twitter “my beautiful twitter.” How can we get the bey-hive to give him a twitter attack? it would drive him CRAZY to ruin his masterpiece....

I remembered this morning that he has to read Dr. Seuss books to kids on Dr. Seuss day. I’m sure he’ll just skip it or make his kids do it, since those books have yuge words.