Pardon a turkey.
Pardon a turkey.
John Stewart.
She’s an amazing lady!
It really does numb the seemingly permanent headache a little...
NPR just gave a bi-partisian nacho recipe... Nachos because of the taco bowl incident, with overcooked steak to represent Trump and jalapeños for Hillary, covered in sharp American cheddar cheese.
I follow Jenna Johnson on twitter. Yesterday she posted a picture of an old lady who was almost in tears she was so frustrated that trump was 2 hrs late. People around her started yelling traitor at her for saying so. How crazy is that?
I already saw a comment that this cup represents white people being conquered by the green of Islam. I am hoping it was a joke, but my recent interactions with trump fans tell me it’s not.
But remember, this was the homegrown server in the clintons basement, not an official mail server, so it might have just been easier to keep secure if web access was disabled. One less place for hackers to gain access. With limited IT staff, that makes sense.
If you use something like outlook to access them, it downloads everything to the local computer. The Clinton mail server might not have had website access setup like when you log into your gmail or your company’s webmail, or Huma preferred to use a program like outlook and didn’t know it downloaded things locally.
Has anyone here tried Adore Me?
It’s true, I still find it strange when ladies don’t take their dangling earrings off. But I have noticed quite a few men who remove their rings.
Fellow yoga stalker here. You’ve got to look for the ring before class. Lots of men take them off when they go into the yoga room.
I have an aunt who worships trump and hates Hillary. She believes Hillary has somehow gotten to fox news and especially Megan and they’ve been manipulated by the clintons to hate trump. All news organizations are corruptly against him and controlled by Killary. Only Trump tells the truth, apparently.