uh... ?
uh... ?
that’s not at all what i’m saying here.
i understand the critiques here, but who is politically perfect? everyone and everything is problematic. no one does it right all the time. i feel like we’ve all created such narrow ways of interacting *within* social justice movements and those who are considered politically conscious have to tow the line every time…
completely agreed. this article was a nice, positive start to my morning. both dionne and drake sound like really sweet people! well done. :)
please read the other replies i posted. i clarified that besides his behavior or whatever, there were never rumors of drug use as far as i know, which is why it seems strange. i know it happens all the time. it’s surprising, that’s all. i’m making NO judgments about addicts in any way.
re: your last point - i agree with this. i think it’s important, also, to remember that he was touring. touring musicians’ bodies become very susceptible to colds and flus, even the musicians who are able to travel in comfort regularly.
i sobbed in the car driving home from work listening to purple rain. i cried at my desk before that. it’s rough. it’s hard to process.
i completely agree with your assessment of what possibly happened. i think that’s a lot closer to the truth.
indeed. that makes sense.
yes, definitely. maybe my surprise is more rooted in not wanting him to have been struggling and not wanting to think of him as being in any pain.
eek! i’m so glad you survived that. how awful!
right. i agree. i’ve said to about three other people here that i’m not trying to stereotype or judge him. i don’t know what he was dealing with. i simply have never heard any rumors about addiction connected to prince AND it goes against how he presented himself in public. i was shocked to hear this as a possibility.…
i can’t blame you. the real deluge of speculation and horribly invasive reporting has already started and will gather speed tomorrow. i’ll probably take a much-needed news break this weekend and dance around my apartment to alphabet street and raspberry beret instead.
i don’t think it’s unrealistic at all. that’s sort of what i was getting at when i wrote that i think if there was an OD, it was related to some other condition.
yes, i’m aware of this. i did *not* mean to sound judgmental or ignorant on the topic, although i can see how i might sound either or both. i meant that there just weren’t the kind of rumors about addiction that often go around in the media and that there wasn’t anything in how he presented himself publicly that would…
i agree. i’m not trying to stereotype him or anyone else who suffers an addiction. i have an addict in my family. i’ve been around 12 step groups. i understand the kind of secrecy and denial that can go on. i’m just saying that we have a tabloid culture and i find it curious that there have never, to my knowledge,…
yes, you are right. there are immense pressures on someone like him. but i’ve never heard one single rumor of drug use, so i guess hearing that sort of shocked me and doesn’t compute.
agreed. the word “allegedly” or “possibly” or “reportedly” might be a good idea.
this. just too soon to get into speculation, at least for me. :(