
this just doesn’t line up with prince as we saw him publicly. he never seemed out of control - always strong, confident, collected, witty, sharp. you never heard anything about him stumbling out of a club or anywhere else for that matter. i just can’t believe he was using drugs. it had to have been an accidental

agreed. not to mention that she’s trying to speak for just herself probably because of pressure from her label and trying to avoid problems with them and/or defamation suits.


it’s not about that. it’s about survivors and solidarity, not the event itself. at least that’s how i understand this.

i’ll admit, the following is not a super educated opinion or anything: but after this article *and* listening to both s1 of serial and undisclosed, it seems to me like chain of custody/evidence has got to be a very basic part of police work and one that, if procedures are followed and everything is documented,

yeah, i guess if you’re a cute white girl who asks the questions, then you’re okay. (and you’re a great photo op! how heartwarming!)

ouch. that’s a great attitude to have.

it is disingenuous for clinton to claim that she is *not* part of the establishment. she has been a part of the political establishment in this country for most of her adult life. i refuse to see her as the champion of anything other than big business and her rich friends.

clinton supported the end of AFDC and in 2008

well, assuming we vote for people while we hold our noses or vote for people who could honestly care less about the lives of 99% of americans...

i’d like her to be someone who’s consistently anti-racist and pro-people of color and she is not. i’m not settling. we get the leaders we deserve.

too bad. she has a lot to answer for and should have to answer for it.

i’m so angry about this exchange. this is the second black woman that HRC has treated in this condescending, paternalistic way in the last week or so. she is showing who she is here and people need to pay attention, especially the people so dead-set on voting for her. would you like out-in-the-open-racist-candidate OR

someone else commented that jay got a deal, but still, wouldn’t he have had to do *some* time for his involvement if he admitted he was there or drove the car or whatever his final version of the story was? they wouldn’t have let him off with no time served, right? right?!

**thank you!!* that was my question all along. even if he at some point took a deal, wouldn’t he do even *some* time? this is so strange to me.

uh, not so much futile as silly. sorry, got distracted by this pesky thing called work. ;)

the worst the worst the worst.

agreed. koenig’s style can sometimes be wearing, but i really admire the kind of research and effort she and the producers and researchers put into both last season and this season. i think what makes serial compelling for me is both this eye for detail *and* the fact that koenig asks some of the questions i would ask

not to mention the DNA kit that just sat and sat and sat! it’s appalling to me how many cases are tried and the person convicted and then years later, the DNA kit resurfaces and there ya go.

they didn’t want to be interviewed, though, so they made the choice not to participate in the series. i think it would have given more weight to or attention to hae’s murder. it’s difficult to present their side when they don’t want to be involved. i would think it was smarter to stick to subjects you could actually

i agree. i also think that stating your bias up front is the smart and honorable way to do any sort of writing/research. sarah koenig never claimed objectivity as far as i remember, and in general, i think it’s nearly impossible in most situations for human beings to be objective in the first place.