
This is wrong and correct.

No RS should have three pedals.

Well, the other way to transport gas or oil is by train, which has had no issues, whatsoever. /s

Sounds more like we need more pipelines. Having 100 million drivers rely on a single point of failure for fuel delivery seems like a major issue.

Mark Wahlberg’s Deepwater Horizon sequel‘Alabama Pipeline’

Here we go again


But I’m three seconds quicker now!

I’m guessing they cloned multiple copies of Chris Harris as he keeps dying in automotive disasters and they wound up with an extra.

Harris is a shareholder in Drive so they are probably excluded from any exclusivity agreements. Also CHOC is apart of Top Gear or is Top Gear apart of Harris’s ever growing motoring empire. It’s a bit hard to tell.

He owns a chunk of /Drive so it’s probably excluded from an exclusivity clause in his contract if he has one.

More than likely, yes. It’s not like they wouldn’t have known about it when they hired him, and would have either said “Break contract, we’ll pay it out”, or “As long as it doesn’t interfere with TG filming, or break anything we’re doing on TG before we do it, go ahead.” If they’re filming, likely the second.

The only blot in the trailer, my goodness I hate that song.

It was filmed on the same week with the same cars as Chris video. You know because logistic. We already knew that since, well, for ever.

Crud. I forgot all about these:

I was off the grid for most of last week and missed out, so I’ll share mine here:

Buy racecar, paint it, drive it on the street....profit.

I love it. It is just a newer 4 door version of my GTO. I did the Holden conversion within a few months of buying it. It is a great car, and I doubt I’ll ever buy another new GM car except maybe for a Vette. I got a great deal on it too. The autos are actually pretty fun, and they are quick cars.

You mean, boom TT-RS?

*grocery shelf with side entry doors