
New Civic is a miss. I *exclusively* only follow cars that use rare earth metals and have meme stocks. Do better pleas.

This actually happened to a guy I used to work with a few years back. He got decapitated on his way home from work. Really sad situation. Absolutely no excuse for not properly securing your load. 

Sorry for the late response, I’m not frequently around these parts anymore.

Snagged some pictures at a local car show. I apologize for the bad pictures because I hate car shows and don’t want anyone to think I have an interest in anything.

Looks like they were left without a peg to stand on. 

In the case of a “fuel efficient” F150, sure. It doesn’t change the difference between 39% and 86% though. If gas prices doubled, the income would have only risen ~50%.

Okay- this is for everyone using inflation is a metric for buying power, which is wrong.

Does anyone have any information as to how this asshat got “his” money? By my math, at $7.50 per 1k views he would be bringing in less than $6k from his videos. Far from i8 money.

You can charge whatever you want for your car. The question is- will anyone buy it?

I work at one of the largest Subaru dealers in the nation. Out of the 3400 cars we sold last year, only 7 were BRZs.

I don’t even know if I want to live anymore.

Keep up the good work!

This. Not trying to be a dick, your content has been very interesting, but the amount of errors within the first 1/3 of the article made it impossible for me to carry on.

It’s all about spacial and visual contrast

Yes it’s terrible that they lost their kid, but cmon with this shit- it’s just another cash grab by money hungry idiots. They saw the opportunity and went for it. I hope Apple buries them in legal fees.

Take this shit back to Gawker, where it belongs.

“...for its cast and forged custom rims, typically priced between $1,250 and $3,999 a set.”

Ferrari is no longer owned by Fiat. They split and went public earlier this year.