
A high-efficiency racing motor can’t race 3 weekends a year, but Junior and his family can drive to and from work everyday in their second generation Cumins. Pollution issues aren’t caused by emissions, they’re caused by particulates.

On top of the safety issues, this would also have a negative effect on the local economy. Yeah it was just a few minutes, but if you take into consideration the few minutes wasted for that many people, it’s a lot.

I just picked up a 1985 2.0L 190E 4spd in *TRUE* German Spec. It’s by far the best engineered car I have ever driven.


Most rally drivers still do this, regardless if it’s a manual or sequential. Those two pedals are your best friend when it comes to (un)settling the car, and you have to use them together, right foot braking is just too slow. And in rally, as soon as you get the car pointing the direction you want, you come off the

This makes me feel like I'm playing Forza.

You sound salty.

Would've been even better if the Transit had run him over. It'd be like someone shooting the puppy born without legs back behind the shed, either way, it's gonna happen.

Clarkson is Top Gear.

This is bringing back memories of that whole Toyota accelerator recall... They never actually found an issue, the assumption is that everyone with the "issue" had all weather floormats on top of their carpeted mats, causing the all weather mats to slip over the gas pedal, or the mats were put in the car improperly in

Just think about the bs Bieber has done and gotten away with yet they make an example out of someone doing something stupid

I just like when it starts to spiral

I usually wait for my motor to turn over before I go to town on my johnson.

There was one guy in my town that was going into public libraries and hiding under the desks and licking little kids feet.

Just don't use your clutch and power shift through the gears, I hear it's fantastic for your transmission.

John Concha is trying to sell his road going ST for $19k, maybe you should give him a call.

They're actually relatively robust. Plenty of videos online of Touareg pulling "bro trucks" when they do a tow off. As soon as the awd system figures out where to send the power those things are unstoppable.



If I wanted to watch a robot pick up balls I'd just spill a bunch of BBs and buy a roomba to pick them up.