Good Enough 4 Government Work

Man, must be tough to be continually harassed like this.

I’m sure watching it on grass makes the experience even better.

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

Robots can never match human umpires in the key skills of holding grudges and feuding.

scans for *female orgasm*

But the important thing here is that since Drew is gone, I can state for the record that the official stance of the Funbag is now that mayonnaise is awesome and delicious and one of our finest condiments and makes just about everything better. Mayo forever.

Bruins, especially Chara, definItely committed the most non-called penalties in fucking NHL playoff history. Sit the fuck down or go cry somewhere else.

I actually believe St. Louis style wine is an unrefrigerated bottle of Sunny D.

It’s time like this when Donald Sterling misses being a minority owner.


Maybe the staffer shouldn’t have been leaning against the Dolphins’ offensive line when talking to Zeke.

The Sharks are in a really bad hole here.  It’s going to take everything in the referee’s power to bail them out the next two games.

Pee IS stored in the balls!

So all this time my wife has been trying to pass a drug test?

The angry short man with the mohawk who voted for Brexit. 

The Eakin hit on Pavs was 2 minutes. You call the play, not the consequences.

please, no more.  this is all so depressing

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

Dude.. I enjoy both sports but the NHL playoffs blow the NBA out of the water.