Good Enough 4 Government Work

Thanks for clarifying all this! Man, I wish the author had seen fit to include this pertinent information.

To Protect and Support

We call people like you a “mark.”

Jay Peterman, world famous seller of clothes and the best the Jets could scrape together to play QB. They were also going to make history by bringing in Elaine Benes to play wide receiver but she refused to take off an Orioles hat to put on the helmet so they had to cut her.

i want some. get me some. kinja deals?

Jesus, they never call traveling anymore.

must determine whether or not the tweet made a football like move

Your moment arrived. I’m happy for you.

They are saved by Johnny Utah before they hit the ground. Duh.

“Good job out there, Chemosabe.”

“See you in the playoffs”

And here’s the part that hurts the most
Humans cannot ride a ghost
Bye Bye Lil Sebastian.

When did Skip Bayless get a Kinja account?

Blake Bortles promptly reeled off five service errors.

That poor, poor family. Deprived of a full allotment of consonants ever since the Depression when Ricard Collinsworth had to sell them in order that wife Saly and son Carles could eat.

I can’t fall asleep on planes because i know as soon as i do, someone’s gonna stick their fingers in my mouth.

Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.

Maybe Jon just says, “I’m high on cocaine. We’ll just fight an exhibition at whatever weight he’s at.”

His HoF bust should have a pressure sensitive head that results in a hidden fist punching anyone that touches it.

Looking like a damn unopened Pokémon ball.