Good Enough 4 Government Work

“Meanwhile, can anyone call what kind of car this is supposed to be?”

Nothing good ever happens when the Eagles come to town.

This is like a kid getting caught stealing from a cookie jar and saying, “I definitely did NOT steal a cookie. And it DEFINITELY wasn’t white chocolate macadamia.”

Just so we can get it out of the way and move on to other commentary:
Something something something liberals, politics on my car site, keep your politics to yourself, liberal media, MAGA, I’m unsubscribing from Jalopnik, give him a chance, but whataboutwhenObama..., blah blah blah etc

I think we’re really reading too much into this. She’s wearing a white dress. She just didn’t want to get Cheetos dust on her hands.

I hope you took away ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER’s shoelaces and belt before publishing this.

This is precisely why I elected *not* to compete in the Rio Olympics.

This is why the unwritten rules of baseball are such a farce.

In related news, Tebow finally made contact with someone else’s genitals.

... although he was kind enough to sign the ball for Brustman

Q: What has two thumbs, is a graduate of the Harvard Business School, started America’s two longest wars, and still might not be the worst republican President of the 21st century?

Guess you didn’t hear about the new overtime rule, which will feature each team’s QB taking a televised Wonderlic test in lieu of additional game play. Highest score wins.

Hi. Canada here. We’re just going to go ahead and build our wall now, k?

If you are going to own only two suits, make none of them black. Black suits make you look like a waiter and no one goes to enough funerals to make it otherwise worth it. Best to go with navy blue and a dark gray.

Make Hockey Great Again!



The seller is going to get it nice and clean for delivery.