Good Enough 4 Government Work

Chick-fil-A or GTFO.

You mean a reason besides the whole driving drunk domestic violence thing? Well, he’s also bad at football.

Right. Does the horror genre have standards that need to be met? The plot of every 80’s horror flick is boobs-gore-kill the bad guy-tease for the sequel. This is just a different formula. Plenty of those old school style movies with loads of jump scares still being made.

16. Go to Great American Beer Fest once, and then never again.

Here’s a screaming hot take: A New Hope is the worst of the original trilogy. We get the pleasure of watching Luke be a whiny bitch for most of the movie.

Avery’s The Kaiser for the win! Also if you ever make it to Colorado, Prost Brewing (only German styles) makes a killer Marzen as well.

You are very interesting and have important opinions.

As a Lions fan, I feel you. Unfortunately my team appears to have the arrow pointing down, whereas everyone has a boner for the Vikes this year. Well, now I’m sad. I’ll probably be even more sad after I watch Stafford become the recipient of a Von Miller/Demarcus Ware gangbang this weekend.

I was at this game. Stupid ass Rockies made us stay until that 3 run double in the bottom of the ninth by pretending to mount a comeback from being down 7-1 earlier in the game. This team is so painful to watch. Reyes sucks ass. People only go to Rockies games anymore for one of two reasons: 1) To watch and root for

The Nords jersey is one of the best of all time in my opinion. But you are right when the outfit as a whole when they don’t diversify the shorts and socks.

I think he was working on his Matt Foley impression for most of the night.

Apparently you missed the Julian Edelman Puma ad. That man does not have one single hair anywhere but his head. I’d call him dolphin smooth.

You have truly outdone yourself sir, bravo.

Maybe Miss Janet’s nipple can make a cameo appearance?

Synecdoche, New York is a movie only a critic could love.

Best (worst) gif of all time. That freak should be put down before he completely turns into a werewolf.

There was a solidly visible dangling nutsack in that puppy.

New equipment = more microwaves?