Good Enough 4 Government Work

I kinda thought it looked like Conan and Andy’s love child.

Important question here: What does Hitler brand gum taste like?

Boy there sure are a lot of sensitive penises on here today. Equating her use of the word “thug” to “scary brown people” is not what she is doing. Clearly almost every single person who she did and would have dealt in Costa Rica with would not have been white. Thug was given because they looked out of place with their

I have no idea what half of the things you just said mean, but I loved every last bit of it.

This review got me pumped to watch it again too! Such a fun movie.

The Ducks have some of the worst uni’s in sports. What is that, hunting gear for SoCal kids? Good thing the team makes up for it by being really fucking good.

I would argue that a vape pen is probably the easiest way to smuggle weed. If they even bother with it you can just say it’s an e-cig and be on your merry way.

A goalie is basically the drummer in a hockey team. Incredibly essential, totally weird, and probably doesn’t fit in with the rest of the group.

Kenny Albert is fine, Pierre McGuire needs to fall into a black hole. I will take Albert, Micheletti (not going to lie, had to look that one up) and Engblom over Doc, Eddie, and Pissface McGuire all day.

Kohler’s names for their toilets might be a little over the top considering they make products designed to be deficated in.

Am I the only one who’s bothered by Glazer putting emphasis on the e’s in HUGEEEE? I can only read that as Huge-eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I make the e sound in a chipmunk voice too.

I’m not sure that there is. Whole Foods has theirs in Boulder, and I think most of the rest are in Denver.

Thank god the Sunday blue laws are gone. They required so much planning! “Hey I feel all spontaneous and want to get some beer and drink it in my yard today, I’ll just go down... oh wait.. is it... fuck, it’s Sunday.”

There are a number of states that sell 3.2 beer due to silly blue laws. Supermarkets and gas stations in Colorado can only sell 3.2 , “regular strength” brews and alcohol have to be sold at liquor stores. One weird nuance to that: major grocery chains can designate one store in the state to have a full blown liquor

That gif will never get old for me. Also thank you for that beautiful superhero metaphor. Bravo.

Basketball is garbage in any incarnation. College sports generally suck. Baseball is boring and the playoffs come at the end of the god awful longest shit sucking season you can imagine. The NFL playoffs are #1 for obvious reasons, all hail the mighty footbaw, symbol of the glorious givings of Father God of football

Does anyone really believe that this dickface doesn’t want to play in LA? It is literally the next best option for him. He wouldn’t even have to move his brood of hot tempered Jesus freaks. It’s just a longer commute. There is something behind the scenes that we aren’t hearing about... here’s hoping it’s that the team

Better start sharpening that blade.

I was fortunate enough to experience this on tap when I was in Detroit last year. It is an excellent beer and I was actually having it for breakfast (before a Lions game), but I might have been a little too, umm, let's say fatigued from the previous evening's drinking efforts to fully appreciate it. I look forward