I’d settle for Dark Souls poise mode.
I’d settle for Dark Souls poise mode.
Replaces all dice. D4? Roll a d120 and divide 30. D20? Roll a d120 and divide by 6. etc.
They explain it in the video at 1:25
If you roll 2 the dungeon master has to be your girlfriend
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Monk is fine. Just don’t give him weapons.
Yeah I mean if by business language you mean obfuscating the true reasons for a decision, then I guess I don’t take to it; especially when they were ostensibly trying to “tell it like it is” or something. It’s a PR move and that’s all, and apparently its working.
That Charcoal grill is very nice, I had one a few years back. It has a really nice cooking surface and is well sized for a lot of tasks. Unfortunately I had to toss it due to rust — basically it’s high maintenance. Compared to my Weber which basically sat through last winter in the snow and is fine this year (my cover…
That Charcoal grill is very nice, I had one a few years back. It has a really nice cooking surface and is well sized…
Meh.. they didn’t say it’s too hard. They said there is no clear path. Those are completely different reasons. The former would be closer to the truth, the second is a dishonest excuse. You can either tell the difference between these reasons, or you can’t, I guess.
This list is biased to milk-guzzlers — mini-wheats and raisin bran are inedible without milk, but many of the shit tier are a great dry snack (like froot loops)
These are all reasonable concerns, but that’s not what they said. They said “there is not a clear legal path to protect Blizzard’s IP and grant an operating license to a pirate server”, which is tantamount to an outright lie.
You hit the nail on the head. It’s this part that’s disingenuous: “there is not a clear legal path to protect Blizzard’s IP and grant an operating license to a pirate server”. Most things in the law are not clear, as in, 100% for sure going to go right every time, but it is pretty obvious that licensing the server…
Good. So just try harder!
Are you playing on a console? Emulation won’t work to properly play SMB. Try it on Wii or NES if you can.
Citation please
The chips in SMRPG make it harder to emulate. Probably will never happen.
I like the Lego minecraft sets but I wish they had cast some true cubic pieces. The rectangular bricks just don’t quite feel like Minecraft.
That art looks more like Kim Dickens than Felicity Jones, weird.