
What are the obvious reasons?

I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at the marine corp school of laws. I have over 900 confirmed court cases

But he didn’t say theft, he said steal. Theft is a legal term, steal is not.

No, those sites repost copyrighted content all the time and deprive the content owners of revenue. Using those sites is like streaming Game of Thrones for free.

Reminds me of Curly Brace from CaveStory

Lol. You couldn’t even be bothered to make up a law school.

Actually, I am a lawyer, and you’re the one who is wrong. There may be some ambiguity towards transformative works, and it’s not something I’ve looked into, but a LP including the entirety of a linear “movie” video game is not transformative whatsoever. It takes more than a mere legal theory of legality to justify

Actually it is against the law. Copyright owners often chose not to take down let’s plays, but they have every right to take it down if they want. I’d argue that this guy didn’t go far enough. He should have been shutting down these let’s plays from the very beginning to protect his IP. He should go even further and

It’s because it’s classified as a video game and video games are fair game to stream for the most part.

Yes we should certainly be calling it the “relatively-large-magnitude negative parabolic kick”. Give peace a chance guys.

u fell 4 it

Those aren’t sprites, but point taken.

We’re fighting Squeenix for cloud saves nowadays —I’m pretty sure you can safely assume they haven’t done anything even remotely as complicated as what you’re suggesting.

Not to be pedantic at the expense of a good joke, but let me be pedantic at the expense of a good joke. Ringworm is neither a worm, nor does it grow in rings.

This seems like a mature attitude, but I’d have to argue that there are plenty of single poor judgment calls that make things automatically over, i.e., rape, murder, and other felonies; drunk driving; suicide, etc.

Reading sword of truth at a young age is the reason I’m a pervert

This sounds like a good story.