Next TES contains the entire continent of Tamriel
Next TES contains the entire continent of Tamriel
Be careful when you get the m.2 board that you get 4x pci lanes with it or you’ll be pissed. Just had to add in an on-board controller for my new Samsung m.2 SSD because my m.2 only had 2x pci lanes. Speaking of which, there’s no good reason for you to get a new mobo for m.2 if you are running a single GTX 980. Just…
Core i5 4590 with GTX 970 and 8gb ram- I have no lag on Russian base on ultra at 1080p. Are you running 4k?
Geralt was fine for me personality-wise, but his insistence on dropping subjects as in “gotta go to town”, “need to find someplace to sleep”, etc. just niggled the hell out of me. Could barely take it. Had to quit. Like reading an Ultima 6 demon. (That was in 3 — For Witcher 1 and 2 it was definitely the poor combat.)
I thought the same thing, but I think it’s just faked with video editing.
Front Mission 1; there is a SNES translation and a localized version for the DS (those screens are from the DS)
This reads like a list of good RPGs that you snatched out of my brain. I will have to try out the three that I haven’t played! (Radiant Historia; Landstalker; Last Story)
No reason to feel that way; play here:
That’s pretty sick
Paradox has never locked anything off with DLC — Every addition is always just that — an addition. 0/10 troll.
force verb
I’m finally getting around to playing FF12 (now that my PC can handle it). I’d always heard bad things about it, for example, that it was a corridor simulator.
It’s actually pretty easy. Since you cannot round to zero, it is of course rounded up. For D4 1-30=1, 31-60=2, 61-90=3, 91-120=4. For D6, 1-20=1, 21-40=2, 41-60=3, 61-80=4, 81-100=5, 101-120=6. You don’t actually have to calculate the division — the conversion is obvious for all standard dice.
There is no bickering. You don’t even have to do math. 1-30=1, 31-60=2, 61-90=3, 91-120=4. It’s common sense.
see other reply
Nope, it’s not for us. We don’t flush anyway.
Nope, it’s not for us. We don’t flush anyway.