
player.modav carryweight 5000

Have you tried CK2 with it?

Have you tried CK2 with it?

Eh, Boston is pretty small in real life and there is plenty to do. Considering Google walks about half the speed I do, it’s almost true to life scale.

Really confused why both your articles link to “Poi” catchphrase articles? The hell is KanColle?


No problems skipping p’s though!

Using the paper towel to open the door is good for public health. You are aware that people don’t wash their hands after using the toilet, right?

Ugh this is too much at once! You should break these up over features that aren’t so rage-inducing. I can’t take it.

Judging from this it was probably more of an act of desperation than a cash grab. They were probably already seeing their capital dwindle and hoped to infuse some much needed cash.

It’s easy to say “Why do they need 700 people for Angry Birds” but I can’t really fault them for attempting to expand and make something out of their successful game. It was a risk but you could just as easily be reporting that Rovio had become filthy rich and was acquiring THQ or something. Too bad it didn’t work out

eSports is just like regular sports in that regard... You don’t go on during the final four if you were planning to watch the game after work. Use your brain.

People are still playing Quake 2?

How much was it?

Lots of people buy black ops for zombies and never touch the regular MP.

I don’t think you know what free means?

I just cheated on MMOs by paying Chinese to farm for me. Had a blast and saved tons of busy work.

If I was going to play Destiny I would be happy to eliminate useless grinding for a fee. My time is more valuable elsewhere, there’s no reason to cater to unemployeds and kids with nothing but time on their hands.

“reflect[s] the relative knowledge and skill of the participants and are determined predominantly by accumulated statistical results of the performance of individuals (athletes in the case of sports events) in multiple realworld sporting or other events.”